Travelling with Bass. The Amazing Similan Islands

Greetings to all authors and readers! I continue my story about a music contract in Thailand, under which I worked a few years ago.


On one of the days-off, we went to the Similan Islands.These islands are located in the Andaman Sea, north-west of Phuket. These are not just islands, but part of a national park called Similan.


This place is unique, it will surprise you with its beauty.UNESCO has a rating of the most beautiful islands on the planet. The Similan Islands are among the 10 most beautiful islands on the Earth.


The sand there is snow-white, the sea is clean, there are many plants and exotic animals here.


Plus, there are large coral reefs in the area of these islands, where you can dive to the depths and observe underwater plants, beautiful corals, and interesting fish species. If you're lucky, you can even see giant turtles there. We were lucky!

The only drawback of this place is its crowded nature. There are a lot of people here almost all the time.


We came here not only to see this luxurious place, but also to live on the island for several days.


Various accommodation conditions are provided for tourists. You can live in tents among palm trees. Or you can live in small houses, among vegetation,on the very shore of the sea.We preferred houses. There were all the conveniences in the house.


One day we went on a yacht to the open sea.There was a seafood lunch waiting for us, and of course diving.It was in these places that the underwater team of the famous traveler Jacques Yves-Cousteau conducted research.


It was Cousteau who discovered the amazing underwater world of the Similan Islands and he was the first to dive there.
We put on vests and fins.Those who are brave, scuba-dived.But we didn't take the risk.The coral reef which islocated here is very large, it is very interesting to observe the underwater world.


Those who wished could immediately go fishing.
After such a yacht trip, it was very pleasant to return to the cozy little house on the shore, take a walk around the island in the evening, look at the local flora and fauna.


There are many beautiful places on Earth, and Similans take an honorable place among them.


I wish everyone a good sunny mood, interesting trips and discoveries!

To be continued..

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