A Travel to Tamilnadu - Vanakkam Tamilnadu

Hey HIVE friends,
Vanakkam 🙏 (greetings in Tamil language)
I am sharing my experience while went to Tamilnadu it's one of the state in south India, Tamilnadu is famous for farming in India they are cultivating rice, vegetables and so many products. You may think that is the speciality?, all over the world the agriculture is there but the difference in tamilnadu they don't have enough rain they are using the water from nearby states, also the temperature is high, and the soil does not permeable for the water.

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The name tamilnadu means the village of Tamil. Tamil is the language they are speaking. In india stages are made based on the language which they are speaking.

I started my joinery in morning itself I take bus from Kumily it's a border bus stand between Kerala and Tamilnadu. My destination is cumbum it's nearly 1 hour from this kumily. My plan is to visit some flower plantation and grape plantations.

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First I went to the flower plantations is really amazing, I hope you can feel it from the picture itself. There is a large area of land is full of flowers, it's like a yellow sea. It's really amazing and surprise to me.

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Sorry friends I don't know this flower name in English, if anyone's knows please let me know. In local language they are giving different names like Bendhi, kettumalli. These flowers are grows only up to 2 to 3 feet and spread nearly 5 to 6 feet. After one or two months from plantation it gives the flowers. I ask the farmers for what purpose they are using these flowers. They told that it's used for the temples for pooja and the garland making for the gods.

Because of the temple use, no workers are using the footwear on the plantations. It's really amazing to me. They also told me to avoid my footwear, I remove it to accept their beliefs and I respect it too. They told that no ladies will work on these farm while they are in menses. I spend some more time on the yellow world and let to the next farm. The grapes are waiting for me !

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It takes nearly half an hour to reach the grape plantation. Am again in a world of wonder. I am walking through the grapes' plantation, all the grapes are touching on my head. The walk and is amazing, there is only green and grape colour. From some place either, we can't see the sky, it's completely covered with the plant and grapes. The farmers give the supports with stone pillars and metal wire treads.

They provide a net type metal supports for holding this fruit and plant. I am sure that no plastic and other ropes can carry this much of weight. For regular use, they are using the stone pillar because they don't want to give any maintenance to that. Some cleaver budget saving ideas also there.

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It's very cool on this plantation, because of the plants, and we are siting under it. I leave the flower farm because of the temperature, there is no shade and the sun is very hot. Here the plantation is very different they have no off season, they are cultivating every time in the year. For that they split the entire farm in to different sections, and they start the cultivation in different time so once they collected some fruits then the next region starts to flowers.

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I spend nearly 2 hours there. We buy some fresh grapes for the family, Next I went to a windmill. I told that in tamilnadu there is no much rain. For the electricity production they are using the wing energy. For that, they are placing large windmills on the plantation itself. It does not affect the plantation, and they get extra benefits from the same land. Another smart move. The local people told that there are windmills for some Multi national companies and also the government authorities both are giving rent to the farmers.

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By evening I went back, I had my lunch from some local hotel. I will share that experience in another blog. While coming back my mind was filled with so many of good things, like the plantation view, love from the local people, guidance from the aged people about the plantation etc.

On mind, I marked that I want to come back to this place and need to spend one or two days there with the farmers and local people. I hope I can be done that in future.

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Waiting for your suggestion in comments

With lots of love
Aji K Rajan

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