The Benefits of Keeping a Diary

Having a diary allows people to clarify their feelings and their thoughts. Some people can more express their feelings through writing. It improves their cognitive functioning. It can help dealing with stress having to let go of your feelings on the paper. According to research studies, keeping a diary can also decrease symptoms of asthmas, arthritis and other health conditions. It can strengthen your immune system by preventing illnesses.


However, keeping a diary has some drawbacks especially for those with learning disabilities. They might find it difficult in writing and perfectionist might be so concerned about their writings or even their penmanship where it will take their focus away from writing what they really feel. It is also not good if one person only writes about negatives which may cause stress.

I have been keeping a diary since high school writing about events in my life that when I read it again now that I am a grown up, it gave me a good laugh. There were lessons that I have learned, and people and event that I would never forget. If you want to start your own diary, here’s how:

  1. Pick a journal. It is important to decide what kind of journal you would like to keep. Does it need to be a notebook? Or would it be better to type it in your laptop instead. Some people do creative stuffs in their journals like adding some clips and pictures and etc.

  2. Pick a time. Deciding when to right can be a challenge to most people. Some people write everyday while some others write on occasionally.

  3. Pick what to write. As a diary, you do not need to thing about what to say really, just write about anything that’s on your mind. You can write about your dreams, the best and worst days of your life or what were you grateful for. You can write about your thoughts and feelings. The events in your life and the lessons that you have learned at those times.

  4. Keep it private. Journals are our private stuff, if you are worried someone might read it, you can buy a journal that has locks on them or keep them in the hidden place. If you are using the computer, do not forget to password protect them.

Keeping a journal or diary is neat. You can practice your handwriting, your cognitive functions and record events in your life. The most famous diary I think, is the dairy of Anne Frank.


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