The Fat Lady Sings!


The missus had already texted me to say my replacement BOSE earbuds had finally arrived, and the above notification dropped in my inbox a few minutes later. "Thank The Pond Gods, that's all over!" I hear you exclaim, but hold the phone there a minute as I keep saying "It's not over until the fat lady sings." There's still one hurdle to go before we cross the finish line.

  1. Are they my old earbuds but repaired?
  2. Are they a direct replacement, the same as I had before?
  3. Are they the upgraded ones I was promised?

I noticed a parcel on the side sporting the BOSE logo as I entered Castle Cannon. I didn't grab it and tear it open; instead, I took my coat off, put my work stuff away, said hello to the dog and patted the wife
(I really should get that the right way around; it'd stop a lot of arguments. 😂)
and then moved the parcel into The Great Hall (Living room to you lot. 😉)


They've sent me the BOSE Quiet Comfort Ultra! My original earbuds were the Quiet Comfort II, so BOSE has been faithful to its word and not only replaced my broken ones but also given me a free upgrade!

I deleted all references to my old earbuds, ready to connect the new ones. Experience has taught me that's always the best route to take. You can spend hours trying to figure out why something isn't working, only to discover it's because your device is still using the old settings.

Say hello to the new BOSE earbuds! They're paired with my phone now, and the sound is awesome. One thing I will say about BOSE is that their Noise-cancelling is one of the best I've ever used; even without anything playing through either my headphones or earbuds, they block out any outside noise, including the missus trying to speak to me, which can be an added bonus sometimes. 😉

These Quiet Comfort Ultra also come with "Immersive Sound," which I initially thought meant something like the old Quadrophonic solution that was hailed in the late 1970s and early 1980s as giving the listener as close an experience as possible to being surrounded by the band that was playing. However, Immersive Sound, it turns out, is an even higher level of Noise-cancelling. Obviously, there's quieter and more quieter. Who knew? 🤷‍♂️

As you can imagine, I'm really pleased with the end result, although there may be another problem. Now, I no longer have to wear my headphones when walking the dog. With my earbuds in, people will notice even less that I can't hear a goddam word they are saying even with the music turned off! 😱

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