Its been there a week!

"It always seems to happen to you!"

I really need to get that carved on my headstone. The saga of my faulty Bose earbuds continues after finally getting UPS to retrieve them from their locker last Friday (16/02/24). They delivered them to Bose on Monday.


I hear you cry; checking my email, I'd had no notifications from Bose to say they'd received it. OK, Bose says to wait five days after receipt to give them a chance to see if I'm lying or not, but I would have thought they send an acknowledgement? All week, I've been moaning to the missus "I've still not heard anything from Bose!" Yesterday, I told her that I'm going to contact Bose on Monday or Tuesday and play my face again.

I'm sitting here at work, and I can't take it anymore; it's been five days. What the hell is going on? I mean, obviously, I'm the only customer Bose has to deal with or, at the very least, the most important customer. "Do you know who I am?" I was just about to jump on the chatbox when my inbox pinged.

Now, many of you would say: "What are you moaning about? They say they have them." It's not the point; it really isn't. You would have thought this 'Alan' surely scans in all the deliveries, so why didn't I get a notification on Monday? And does that mean I now have to wait five days from that notification for them to check my earbuds to see if I'm trying to pull a fast one? All I can hope for now is that I get another email and it has jumped to "Dispatched". Looks like I'm back to waiting again.

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