Vožnja sa oblacima. 🌤☀️🌤🚴‍♀️ Driving with the clouds. 🌤☀️🌤🚴‍♀️

Uvek radite na sebi. Nemojte zapostaviti svoj telesni hram koji treba da vas nosi što duže, pomozite mu. Ne zapostavljajte um. Stalno učite i obnavljajte znanje. Otkrivajte svoje veštine i ne dozvolite da vam kažu da ne možete samo zato što oni ne mogu. . . Danas je bio savršen zlatni dan sa oblacima koji plove.

Always work on yourself. Don't neglect your body temple that should carry you as long as possible, help it. Don't neglect the mind. Constantly learn and refresh your knowledge. Discover your skills and don't let people tell you you can't just because they can't. . . Today was a perfect golden day with drifting clouds.




Iako mi se danas malo ukočio donji deo ledja dok sam radila jogu, glava je odlučila da odem u vožnju biciklom! Dan je toliko bio savršen da telo nije moglo da odoli.

Although my lower back felt a little stiff today while doing yoga, my head decided to go for a bike ride! The day was so perfect that the body could not resist.





Ako mene pitate, nijedno materijalno bogatstvo ne može da se poredi sa osećajem slobode, vetrom u kosi i pogledom na jato ptica koje leti preko tirkizno plavog neba. Sve što nam dan pruža je besplatno, a mnogi to ne cene. Tek kad izgubimo, shvatimo. Imate oči da upijate prirodu, govor da iskažete proživljeno, sluh da čujete VOLIM TE. Vaše je samo da ne zanemarite sebe i prigrabite svaki dan!

If you ask me, no material wealth can compare to the feeling of freedom, the wind in your hair and the sight of a flock of birds flying across the turquoise blue sky. Everything that the day gives us is free, and many do not appreciate it. Only when we lose do we understand. You have eyes to absorb nature, speech to express lived experience, hearing to hear I LOVE YOU. It's up to you not to neglect yourself and seize every day!




Priroda nas okrepljuje, čisti i leči. Ona nam ništa ne duguje, sve nam daje, a mi moramo da pokažemo poštovanje svakom drvetu, vlati trave, suncu, kamenu, reci, zemlji. . .

Nature invigorates, cleanses and heals us. She owes us nothing, she gives us everything, and we must show respect to every tree, blade of grass, sun, stone, river, earth. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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