Sva MOJA deca! 👫👫 All MY children!

Zdravo svim ljubiteljima prirode!
Zdravo svim odgovornim roditeljima koji pozitivno usmeravaju svoju decu! ❣️👫👫
Nažalost, oko mene su uglavnom deca koja vole aktivnosti u prirodi ali “nema” ko da ih vodi.
Ustvari, ima ko da ih vodi ali ne žele. 😔
Jednostavno su lenji. Šalju deci lošu poruku. Razumem da nekada ne mogu, nemaju vremena ali većina bukvalno ne žele.
Da li se treba žrtvovati? Da!
Deca nisu tražila da se rode ali kad ste ih već napravili ( rodili ) onda imate i odgovornost prema njima!

Ne znam da li je to slučajnost ali možda me je univerzum poslao da źivim pored takve dece da bih igrala onaj deo uloge koju ne obavljaju to što treba.
Ima dece koju sam vodila na planinu, rekli su mi da im je to prvi put!?

Dete od 9 godina nijednom nije bilo na brdu u našem gradu!😞

Zato svaki put kad idem na breg sa ćerkom, vodim i decu iz komšiluka.🌳🌳🌳
Srećna sam što će to ostaviti traga u njihovim životima jer su to dani koji se pamte, a ne materijalne stvari.
Dakle krećemo. 👋🏃‍♀️

Hello to all nature lovers!
Hello to all responsible parents who guide their children positively! ❣️👫👫
Unfortunately, there are mostly children around me who love activities in nature, but there is "no one" to guide them.
In fact, there is someone to guide them, but they don't want to. 😔
They are just lazy. They send a bad message to children. I understand that sometimes they can't, they don't have time, but most literally don't want to.
Should sacrifice be made? Yes!
Children did not ask to be born, but when you have already made them (born), then you have a responsibility towards them!

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but maybe the universe sent me to live next to such children in order to play that part of the role that they don't perform properly.
There are children I took to the mountain, they told me it was their first time!?

A 9-year-old child has never been on a hill in our city!😞
Too sad.

That's why every time I go to the mountain with my daughter, I also take the children from the neighborhood. 🌳🌳🌳
I am happy that it will leave a mark in their lives because it is days that are remembered, not material things.
So here we go. 👋🏃‍♀️


Stigli smo do prvog vidikovca! Nekome je smetalo sunce pa je otvorio kišobran! ☀️🌂
Nastavili smo šetnju. Ponela sam ranac sa svim neophodnim stvarima. Hladna voda, keks, maramice, kišobrane.
Rekli su da će možda padati kiša.
Dan je zapravo bio idealan. Prijatna temperatura, plavo nebo i beli oblaci su nas daleko odveli.
Evo stigli smo do prvih stena.

We reached the first viewpoint! Someone was bothered by the sun, so he opened an umbrella! ☀️🌂
We continued our walk. I brought a backpack with all the necessary things. Cold water, biscuits, handkerchiefs, umbrellas.
They said it might rain.
The day was actually ideal. Pleasant temperature, blue sky and white clouds took us far.
Here we have reached the first rocks.


Ovo je mesto gde je nekada postojalo društvo koje se zvalo Riklijaneri ( potražite na Google ).
Mislim da je u pitanju Švajcarac Arnold Rikli koji je osnovao to udruženje. Bio je zagovornik naturopatije- alternativne medicine. Riklijaneri su sa prvim izlaskom sunca izlazili u donjem vešu na stene i lečili se vazduhom i suncem. Odbijali su lekove. Udruženje je postojalo do početka WW1.

This is the place where there used to be a society called Riclianeri (search on Google).
I think it is the Swiss Arnold Rikli who founded that association. He was an advocate of naturopathy - alternative medicine. With the first sunrise, the Riclianers went out in their underwear on the rocks and treated themselves with air and sun. They refused medicine. The association existed until the beginning of WW1.


( naravno, fotografija nije moja 😁 već sa Googla , snimljeno je verovatno krajem 19. veka. Ovu fotografiju poseduje i vršačka istorijska dokumentacija , muzej )

U blizini je zgrada koju su posedovali kao društvo a koja je godinama unazad bila napuštena. Dva brata su pre par godina oźiveli to mesto i napravili kafe restoran koji okuplja kako obične turiste, tako i ljubitelje ekstremnih sportova. 🧗‍♀️🚴‍♀️

Danas sam zaboravila da je uslikam ali sam je već pominjala u nekom od prethodnih postova gde se nalaze i fotografije.
Nakon vazdušnog kupanja i sunčanja, nastavili smo put do Crvenog Krsta. Stari naziv je ostao ali sada je u toj zgradi restoran sa sobama za iznajmljivanje.
Ali glavni razlog naše posete su životinje. Omiljeno mesto dece. 🥰🐔🐓🦃🐐🦢🐎

(of course, the photo is not mine 😁 but from Google, it was probably taken at the end of the 19th century. This photo is also owned by the Vrsac historical documentation, museum)

Nearby is a building they owned as a company, which was abandoned years ago. Two brothers revived the place a few years ago and created a cafe restaurant that gathers both ordinary tourists and fans of extreme sports. 🧗‍♀️🚴‍♀️

I forgot to take a picture of it today, but I already mentioned it in one of the previous posts where there are also photos.
After air bathing and sunbathing, we continued our journey to Red Cross. The old name remains, but now there is a restaurant with rooms for rent in that building.
But the main reason for our visit is the animals. Children's favorite place. 🥰🐔🐓🦃🐐🦢🐎







Konji, guske, koze, kokoške.
Pravi raj za decu!
Mazili su ih, hranili suvom travom i lišćem. Deca su životinjama dala čak i imena! 😍 Toliko nam je bilo lepo da smo skroz zaboravili da za pola sata moramo da budemo na rodjendanu naše drugarice! 🎉
Pozdravili smo se sa životinjama i požurili kući!
Ima dva puta za povratak, drumski i zemljani. Naravno, mi smo izabrali put kroz šumu!
Koliko je bio lep povratak, procenite i sami.

Horses, geese, goats, chickens.
A true paradise for children!
They petted them, fed them dry grass and leaves. The children even gave the animals names! 😍 We had so much fun that we completely forgot that in half an hour we have to be at our friend's birthday party! 🎉
We said goodbye to the animals and hurried home!
There are two ways to return, road and dirt. Of course, we chose the path through the forest!
Judge for yourself how nice the return was.





Ptice su cvrkutale, a sunce se probijalo kroz lišće i golicalo nam je oči. Više se nismo penjali, već smo se samo spuštali što je decu posebno radovalo. 😉
Mislim da su se ekstra proveli jer su čak i vodu zaboravili piju. 😀

Neki roditelji nikada neće shvatiti šta su propustili. 😒

Da, biće ovo dan za pamćenje. . . 🥰

The birds were chirping and the sun was breaking through the leaves and tickling our eyes. We no longer climbed, but only descended, which made the children particularly happy. 😉
I think they had too much fun because they even forgot to drink water. 😀

Some parents will never realize what they missed. 😒

Yes, this will be a day to remember. . . 🥰

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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