Staza zdravlja/ Path of health

Godinama šetam po brdima ali danas sam izabrala Stazu zdravlja.
Krenula sam ubičajenim putem,ali onda sam došla do "Vrata" Staze zdravlja. Lepa promena..
Pa da krenemo.🚶🌳

I have been walking in the hills for years, but today I chose the Health Path.
I took the beaten path, but then I came to the "Gate" of the Path of Health. Nice change..
So let's go.🚶🌳




Puno zelenila, Brda su u oktobru dobila novi sjaj aprilskog proleća.

Full of greenery, the hills in October got a new glow of April spring.





Stigla sam do magičnog vidikovca koji se zove "Turban". 370 metara nadmorske visine.

I reached the magical viewpoint called "Turban". 370 meters above sea level.





Možda vama 370 metara nije mnogo,ali s obzirom da živim u Vojvodini, ravnici, ova brda su super visoka za nas. 😁☀️
Na Vidikovcu sam bila u pravom trenutku, kada su senke bile dugačke i napravile od brda i vinograde pravu poeziju boja.
Nakon meditativnih trenutaka na ovim čarobnim mestu, počela sam da se spuštamo niz ovo brdo koje se zove "Turska glava".

Maybe 370 meters is not much for you, but considering that I live in Vojvodina, the plains, these hills are super high for us. 😁☀️
I was at Vidikovac at the right moment, when the shadows were long and made the hills and vineyards a real poetry of colors.
After meditative moments in this magical place, I started to descend this hill called "Turkey's Head".



Spuštanje je vrlo strmo, pa zbog stare povrede noge, morala sam se spuštati polako. Stigla sam do kraja staze i nastavila putem kojim nisam došla. Posmatrala sam kako lišće dobija tamniju boju, sunce je zalazilo. Uskoro stižem do grada.

The descent is very steep, so due to an old leg injury, I had to descend slowly. I reached the end of the trail and continued the way I didn't come. I watched the leaves turn darker, the sun was setting. I will reach the city soon.


Postalo je hladnije bez sunca, a ja sam se vratila kući skoro po mraku. Svakako sam se osećala dobro. Staza zdravlja je ostala iza mene, ali sutra joj se opet vraćam. Sa novom voljom, sa novom strašću i istraživačkim duhom, a bez toga nemojte krenuti u "zelenu" avanturu, jer će vas domaćin odbaciti..🌿🌳💚

It got colder without the sun, and I got home almost after dark. I certainly felt good. The path of health is behind me, but tomorrow I will return to it again. With a new will, with a new passion and research spirit, and without that don't go on a "green" adventure, because the host will reject you..🌿🌳💚

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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