Nekad i sad. Then and now.

Prvo što ugledate kada dolazite u Vršac, vidite Kulu!

The first thing you see when you come to Vršac is the Tower!

Ponosno nadgleda moj grad. Naš čuvar i simbol!
Nalazi se na prvom brdu naših planina, na visini od 399 metara nadmorske visine.

Proudly watching over my city. Our guardian and symbol!
It is located on the first hill of our mountains, at a height of 399 meters above sea level.



Ovako je ova tvrdjava izgledala sredinom XVI veka.

This is how this fortress looked in the middle of the 16th century.


. . . Sve do pre nekoliko godina. Rasla sam uz nju dok je ovako izgledala i takvu ću je uvek pamtiti.
Od nedavno je restaurirana, obnovljena kao što je navodno nekad izgledala u originalu ali ja želim da je pamtim ovakvu.
Naime, Kula je izgradjena oko 1552 godine i bila pod Osmanlijama sve di početka XVIII veka.
Visoka je oko 20 metara. Zidana id kamena i opeke. Način na koji je zidana podseća na vizantijsko.
Jedna od najpoznatijih tvrdjava u Srbiji.
Danas izgleda ovako:

Until a few years ago. I grew up with her when she looked like this and I will always remember her like this.
It has recently been restored, restored as it supposedly once looked in the original, but I want to remember it like this.
Namely, the Tower was built around 1552 and was under the Ottomans until the beginning of the 18th century.
It is about 20 meters high. Masonry and stone and brick. The way it was built is reminiscent of Byzantine.
One of the most famous fortresses in Serbia.
Today it looks like this:



Ne znam da li zbog ove njene promene ili nečega drugog, dugo nisam išla putem koji vodi do nje ali sam danas odlučila da je posetim.

I don't know if it's because of her change or something else, I haven't followed the road that leads to her for a long time, but today I decided to visit her.

Obišla sam je sa svih strana, upijala sećanje na vreme kada sam ovde dolazila kao devojčica. Atmosfera nije bila ni blizu onom vremenu. 😒

I went around it from all sides, absorbed the memory of the time when I came here as a little girl. The atmosphere was nowhere near that time. 😒







Pokušala sam da se stopim sa atmosferom istorije ali nekako su mi nekadašnji dolasci žuljali i kvarili osećaj za uźivanje.
Pokušala sam i sa kreativnim selfijima ali na mom licu se vidi trud a ne opuštenost. Fali mi stari izgled Kule. 😒

I tried to blend in with the atmosphere of history, but somehow the past arrivals were bothering me and spoiling my sense of enjoyment.
I also tried creative selfies, but my face shows effort and not relaxation. I miss the old look of the Tower. 😒



Certainly, without her, the whole city would lose its meaning, so may she be in this place for many centuries to come. 🌹

Hvala što ste i danas bili samnom u ovoj priči. Želim vam lep dan!

Thank you for being with me in this story today. I wish you a nice day!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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