Moja strpljiva ptica. 🎨🐦 My patient bird.

15 sati je trajala borba sa ovom slikom.
Slikala, brisala, prala platno, zapostavila i hranu i toalet i ljude i obaveze.
Kad vam se to desi, znaćete da radite sa strašću.

The fight with this picture lasted for 15 hours.
She painted, wiped, washed canvas, neglected food and toilet and people and obligations.
When that happens, you'll know you're working with passion.



Menjala sam boje, eksperimentisala, crtala pa brisala.

I changed colors, experimented, drew and erased.




Nekada vam tempere i tube nisu dovoljne, onda slikate iz kantica!
Najširom četkom sam mazala pozadinu.
Jedna boja, druga, treća.

Sometimes tempera and tubes are not enough for you, so you paint from buckets!
I painted the background with the widest brush.
One color, another, third.





Platno je trpelo na desetine transformacija.
Polako je dan zamenila noć. Nisam odustajala.
Slika će biti gotova kad osetim mir. On još nije stigao.
Žuta, plava, bela, braon, obrišem pa ispočetka. Sve je u životu proces.
Ptica je sve to mirno i strpljivo posmatrala.🐦

The canvas suffered dozens of transformations.
Day was slowly replaced by night. I didn't give up.
The painting will be finished when I feel peace. He hasn't arrived yet.
Yellow, blue, white, brown, I wipe and start over. Everything in life is a process.
The bird watched all this calmly and patiently.🐦





Mislila sam da se približavam kraju.
Noć je uveliko pala. Svetlost pri radu se menjala i otežavala rad. Postajem nervozna.
Slikanje iako izgleda lako, ume da iscrpi kao da ste kopali u bašti ceo dan.

Ok, još nekoliko poteza.

I thought I was getting close to the end.
The night has greatly fallen. The light during work changed and made work difficult. I'm getting nervous.
Although painting looks easy, it can be as exhausting as if you've been digging in the garden all day.

Ok, a few more moves.




Ok, to je to, ne mogu više. Bilo je blizu ponoći.
Umorna sam oprala sve oko sebe i legla.
Jutro. Pogledam sliku, shvatim da nisam zadovoljna.
Opet četka, opet boje, a nisam ni umila lice.
U pidzami nastavljam.

  • Mama, gladna sam.
  • Evo, evo, sad ću.
    Prolazi sat, dva.
    Vidi ćerka da neće skoro kraj, uzima sama da jede.
    Platno samo što se ne raspadne.

Ok, that's it, I can't take it anymore. It was close to midnight.
Tired, I washed everything around me and lay down.
Morning. I look at the picture, I realize that I am not satisfied.
Brush again, colors again, and I didn't even wash my face.
I continue in my pajamas.

  • Mom, I'm hungry.
  • Here, here, now I will.
    An hour or two passes.
    The daughter sees that it won't end soon, so she eats it herself.
    The canvas is about to fall apart.




Ne, nije opet dobro.
Perem platno od svih pokušaja i boja.
Mislila sam da je nikad neću završiti.

Nastavljam. Jednostavnim potezima nanosim moju omiljenu boju- siva!

Slika se smirila, ptica došla do izražaja.
To je to!
Srećna sam.

No, it's not good again.
I wash canvas from all attempts and colors.
I thought I would never finish it.

I continue. I apply my favorite color - gray - with simple strokes!

The image calmed down, the bird came to the fore.
That's it!
I'm happy.



Slika se suši i izgleda sve lepše. 🥰

Sva sreća da ova ptica ne može da govori, ko zna šta bi mi sve rekla. 😅

Hvala ako ste i ovog puta pratili moj umetnički zanos i rad.

Želim vam prijatan dan! 🌹

The picture dries and looks more and more beautiful. 🥰

It's a good thing that this bird can't talk, who knows what it would tell me. 😅

Thank you for following my artistic enthusiasm and work this time as well.

I wish you a pleasant day! 🌹

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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