Kupanje u oktobru! 🍂🍁☀️ Swimming in October! 🍂🍁☀️

Uvek sam zavidela ljudima koji se kupaju u hladnoj vodi. Često sam bila na moru i kada je jesen ali se tada nisam kupala. Iako su me neki Ruski turisti pozvali na kuoanje i ubedjivali da je ok ući u hladnu vodu, uz osmeh sam se zahvalila ali odbila šetajući plažom u dzemperu. E pa stvari se kod mene menjaju pa i kupanje u hladnijim danima.
Ne znam kako to da nazovem ali mislim da čoveku jednostavno nešto klikne u glavi i to je to. Verovatno intuitivno oseti kada nešto oseti da može. . .

I have always envied people who bathe in cold water. I was often at the sea in autumn, but I didn't swim then. Although some Russian tourists invited me to swim and convinced me that it is ok to enter the cold water, I thanked them with a smile but refused walking on the beach in a sweater. Well, things change for me, including bathing on colder days.
I don't know what to call it, but I think that something just clicks in a person's head and that's it. He probably intuitively senses when he feels he can do something. . .




Već deset dana unazad uporno svakog dana idem na jezero inateći se niskim temperaturama. Prvih dana je bilo neobično ali kasnije je bilo sve lakše. Telo se navikne.

For the past ten days, I have been persistently going to the lake every day despite the low temperatures. It was strange in the first days, but later it got easier. The body gets used to it.






Ne znam da li me je podsvesno ohrabrila drugarica koja mi je došla u goste iz Švedske, pa mi je prenela hrabrost Vikinga 😄 ili sam se jednostavno ohrabrila lepim jesenjim suncem. ☀️🍂

I don't know if I was subconsciously encouraged by my friend who came to visit me from Sweden, so she passed on the courage of the Vikings 😄 or I was simply encouraged by the beautiful autumn sun. ☀️🍂






Mislim da je sve u glavi. Jednom sam pročitala: Ako misliš da si ok, ok si. Ako misliš da nisi- nisi. Sve je vrlo jednostavno. Odluka je u nama. Bitno je uźivati i biti opušten.

I think it's all in the head. I once read: If you think you are ok, you are ok. If you think you are not - you are not. Everything is very simple. The decision is up to us. It is important to enjoy and be relaxed.







Jesen je na jezeru zaista čarobna!
Sunce ne peče kožu već miluje, nebo je prošarano belim linijama, nebo moćno plavo, a senke sve duže. . .

Autumn on the lake is really magical!
The sun does not burn the skin but caresses it, the sky is dotted with white lines, the sky is powerfully blue, and the shadows are getting longer. . .



Ne znam da li sam vam zagolicala želju da proširite svoje granice, budete hrabriji ali svakako se nadam da sam ovim fitografijama dočarala naše predivne zlatne dane na jezeru. . .☀️🍂🍁👋

I don't know if I tickled your desire to expand your boundaries, to be braver, but I certainly hope that with these photos I have evoked our wonderful golden days at the lake. . .☀️🍂🍁👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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