Kreativnošću protiv dosade. ✏️✏️✏️🖌📚🌅 Creativity against boredom.

Obaveza nema samo onaj ko ne želi. Ali one su zdrave. Održavaju nas duhom budnima. 👀
Kretanje energije nad čini živima.
Ja u momentima slobodnog vremena ili pešačim ili slikam.
Najčešće slikam zgrade u svom gradu koje postoje 100, 150 godina.
Naravno, prvo nacrtam skicu olovkom:

Only those who do not want to have an obligation. But they are healthy. They keep us awake in spirit. 👀
The movement of energy over makes alive.
In moments of free time, I either walk or take pictures.
I usually paint buildings in my city that have existed for 100, 150 years.
Of course, I draw a pencil sketch first:


A zatim je sve lakše. Ostaje vam SAMO da obojite. 🤭🎨

And then everything gets easier. All you have to do is paint. 🤭🎨


Linije, merenje, miris tempere stvara mi osećaj spokoja. Uz dobru muziku, atmosfera je savršena. Još nekoliko poteza i slika je gotova!

The lines, the measurement, the scent of tempera make me feel at ease. With good music, the atmosphere is perfect. A few more moves and the picture is done!

Kraj! To je to!

End! That is it!


Ne mogu da vam opišem kako je lep osećaj kad završite sliku!
Udaljite se, pa je zagledate sa svih strana. Vaše delo! 🏆

  • Zvrrrr!
  • Da?
  • Izvinite koliko košta slika?
  • Hm, da li ste čuli za HIVE? 😉

I can't describe to you how nice it feels when you finish painting!
Move away, and look at her from all sides. Your work! 🏆

  • Zvrrrr!
  • Yes?
  • Excuse me, how much does the painting cost?
  • Um, have you heard of HIVE? 😁

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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