Ko su nove generacije? Who are the new generations?👫👫

Bez obzira na krizu koja udara sa svih strana (politička, ekonomska, moralna ), ovo je vreme komformizma.
Tehnologija je maksimalno razmazila ovu generaciju.
Toliko su nesposobni za život da ne znaju ni da zakažu termin kod zubara.
Komforna vremena stvaraju slabe ljude. Slabi ljudi stvaraju teška vremena. Teška vremena stvaraju jake ljude.
Iz ovog prirodnog ciklusa znaćete šta nam sledi. . .

Regardless of the crisis that strikes from all sides (political, economic, moral), this is the time of conformism.
Technology has spoiled this generation to the max.
They are so incapable of living that they don't even know how to make an appointment with the dentist.
Comfortable times make weak people. Weak people create hard times. Hard times make strong people.
From this natural cycle you will know what comes next. . .


( Photo source - Google )

Naravno, postoji prednost tehnologije , a to je brz protok informacija, olakšano traženje poslova i njihova realizacija, rad online, komunikacija itd. Ali ono što mene zabrinjava je njihova koncentracija, strpljenje, nezainteresovanost, agresivnost.
Radeći u školi, suočavam se sa sve kraćom pažnjom u učenju, usvajanju, radu. Danas sam sam shvatila da decu skoro više ništa ne interesuje. Izuzetno sam kreativna, ulažem velike napore da decu naučim nešto, pokažem, radimo, stvaramo, koristimo sve funkcije tela, povezujemo, napravimo. Toliko je mnogo mogućnosti ali decu ništa ne može da zainteresuje. Bar veliku većinu. Tehnologija je uzela danak nad ovom generacijom. Mislim da će doči još gore. Postavlja se pitanje- kako to sprečiti?

Of course, there is an advantage of technology, which is the fast flow of information, easier search for jobs and their realization, online work, communication, etc. But what worries me is their concentration, patience, lack of interest, aggressiveness.
Working in a school, I am faced with an increasingly short attention span in learning, learning, and work. Today I realized for myself that children are almost not interested in anything anymore. I am extremely creative, I make great efforts to teach children something, show them, work, create, use all body functions, connect, make. There are so many possibilities but nothing can interest the children. At least the vast majority. Technology has taken its toll on this generation. I think it will get worse. The question arises - how to prevent it?


Svako vreme ima svoje prednosti. Treba uzeti ono najbolje od svakog vremena. Iz vremena kada sam ja bila dete i devojka ( ‘80’s i ‘90’s ), treba primenjivati što više. Kao prvo, naučiti decu uključivanjem u kućne obaveze da obavljaju osnovne stvari. A šta mi radimo? Neka pusti ja ću. Nemoj da se mučiš. Ima vremena.A onda kada dodje vreme da to već treba da znaju, kritikujemo ih kako nemaju pojma ni jaje da ispeku! Ko je za to kriv? Pa roditelji. Danas ne gajimo decu nego kućne ljubimce. Hranimo ih, oblačimo u fensi odeću i dovodimo autom do praga škole! Deca ne osete ni umor ni glad ni hladnoću. O boravku na svežem vazduhu da ne govorim. Kičma im se krivi od sedenja pred kompjuterom, pluća ne razvijaju na kiseoniku, i sve mladja deca idu kod psihologa zbog anksioznosti, teskoba, agresivnosti i frustracije. Vid im je sve lošiji, vokabular sve siromašniji.

Each time has its advantages. You should take the best of each time. From the time when I was a child and a girl ('80's and '90's), it should be applied as much as possible. First of all, teach children to do basic things by involving them in household chores. And what are we doing? Let him go, I will. Don't bother. There is time. And then when the time comes for them to already know, we criticize them for not even knowing how to fry an egg! Who is to blame for that? Well, parents. Today we do not raise children, but pets. We feed them, dress them in fancy clothes and bring them by car to the doorstep of the school! Children do not feel tired, hungry or cold. Not to mention being in the fresh air. Their spine is bent from sitting in front of the computer, their lungs do not develop on oxygen, and younger and younger children are going to psychologists because of anxiety, anguish, aggression and frustration. Their eyesight is getting worse, their vocabulary is getting poorer.


Danas sam u školi predloźila deci razne aktivnosti ali nisu bili zainteresovani. Sve im je dosadno. Rekla sam im da obuku jakne i da idemo napolje da igramo fudbal!

  • Ali napolju je hladno!
  • Pa šta!

Today at school I suggested various activities to the children, but they were not interested. Everything is boring to them. I told them to put on their jackets and let's go outside to play football!

  • But it's cold outside!
  • So what!

Deca su se otudjila od svega što je prirodno. Otudjili su se od svog izvora. Od sebe.
Došla sam kući. Nakon ručka, odmah sam ćerki i njenoj drugarici predloźila da idemo na klizalište koje se najzad otvorilo!

Children have become alienated from everything that is natural. They have become alienated from their source. From myself.
I came home. After lunch, I immediately suggested to my daughter and her friend that we go to the ice rink, which finally opened!




Nekad pored svih obaveza nemam snage da izadjem napolje ali detetove potrebe stavljam ispred svojih. Uvek pomislim, bolje da idemo napolje nego da gleda u telefon ili kompjuter. Vazduh koji udišu su od vitalnog značaja za rast i razvoj. Sat vremena pred kompjuterom smanjuje do 40 hiljada motoričkih aktivnosti! Mislite o tome!
Jednostavno rečeno, deca moraju da uče sve što je po prirodi predodredjeno. Moraju da misle, rešavaju, snalaze se, trude se, očekuju, osete glad i hladnoću, oskudevaju u nekim materijalnim stvarima, uče da rade, usvajaju informacije preko istraźivanja i pronalaženja.
Decu pre svega treba voleti, a to znači pripremiti ih za život!

Sometimes, despite all the obligations, I don't have the strength to go outside, but I put the child's needs before my own. I always think, better to go outside than to look at the phone or the computer. The air they breathe is vital for growth and development. An hour in front of the computer reduces up to 40 thousand motor activities! Think about that!
Simply put, children must learn everything that is predestined by nature. They have to think, solve, find their way, try hard, expect, feel hunger and cold, lack some material things, learn to work, acquire information through research and finding.
First of all, children should be loved, and that means preparing them for life!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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