Jesenja poezija u parku 🍁 2021 🍂 Autumn poetry in the park

Kada je čovek emotivan i suptilan, tada primećuje sve detalje oko sebe. Neosetljivi ljudi samo prolaze pored lepote koja je svuda oko nas.

When a person is emotional and subtle, then he notices all the details around him. Insensitive people just pass by the beauty that is all around us.

Seat in park.jpg

Ja vidim čitav svemir u lišću, otpalim grančicana, kišnim barama, kamenčićima.U prirodi je sve tako jednostavno. Svako živo biće ima neku važnu ulogu u prirodi. Često sednem na klupu i razmišljam o tome. Park je jedno od mojih omiljenih mesta. On predstavlja pluća u gradovima. Kada se nadišete svežeg vazduha, bolje dišete, mislite, funkcionišete i jasnije vidite svet oko vas.

I see the whole universe in leaves, fallen twigs, rain ponds, pebbles. In nature, everything is so simple. Every living being has an important role in nature. I often sit on the bench and think about it. The park is one of my favorite places. He represents the lungs in the cities. When you breathe fresh air, you breathe better, think, function and see the world around you more clearly.


Šuma i drveće u meni izazivaju strahopoštovanje i podseća na to koliko je priroda moćna. Kao da me gleda sa visine i preti svojom lepotom i kaže: “budi skromna jer čovek je mali u odnosu na snagu prirode - moraš je poštovati.”

The forest and the trees evoke awe in me and remind me of how powerful nature is. It's as if he's looking down on me and threatening me with his beauty and saying, "Be modest because man is small in relation to the power of nature - you have to respect him."


Ljudi guraju svoj ego u prvi plan. Priroda ne. Cvet svoju lepotu i miris nesebično deli i bogatima i siromašnima i ružnom i lepom. Priroda je najveći učitelj života!

People push their ego to the forefront. Nature does not. The flower unselfishly shares its beauty and fragrance with the rich and the poor and the ugly and the beautiful. Nature is the greatest teacher of life!


Kratka priča ali velika lekcija. ❤️

Želim vam lep dan!

A short story or a great lesson. ❤️

Have a nice day!

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.

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