Možda ustvari i zavolim nešto u čemu se ne pronalazim😁.~Maybe I actually like something that I don't find myself in.😁

Zdravo Hiver-i😊
Kada god bi me pitali zašto još uvek nemam položeno za auto rekla bih zato što me auto nikada nije zanimao.🥱Iskrena da budem, mene zaista auto nikada nije zanimao, da ja sednem za volan, da upravljam i da stignem do željene lokacije.🗺Uvek sam razmišljala kako auto nije za žene, kako je auto opasan, kako čak i kada bih vozila ja kako treba, da tuđa nepažnja mene može usmrtiti.😶
Uvek me je više zanimao motor🏍, čak je i opasniji od automobila🚘

Hi Hivers😊
Whenever they asked me why I still don't have a car loan, I would say it's because I've never been interested in a car. To be honest, I've never really been interested in a car, that I get behind the wheel, steer and get to the desired location.🗺 I've always thought that cars are not for women, that cars are dangerous, that even if I drive properly, someone else's carelessness can kill me.😶
I've always been more interested in a motorcycle🏍, it's even more dangerous than a car🚘


Volim taj adrenalin na motoru, vetar u kosi i zvuk motora.🔊Do sada sam samo vozila skutere na struju, i ako bih polagala za koju godinu za motor. Vozila sam se na motorima i skuterima sa drugarima koji su imali položeno, i iskusila sam tu vožnju i zato mi se toliko svidelo.🤩

I love that adrenaline on the motorbike, the wind in my hair and the sound of the engine🔊. So far I have only driven electric scooters, and if I were to apply for a motorbike in a few years. I rode motorbikes and scooters with my friends who had passed, and I experienced that ride and that's why I liked it so much.🤩


Ali ipak me je više vukao taj strah automobila.🛻Zašto? Zato što je moju majku i mene kada sam bila još baš jako mala, mogao udariti automobil. Sva sreća nas dve smo bile dobro. Pre par godina, moju majku je udario automobil, imala je blage povrede, ali opet zadobila ih je tuđom nepažnjom.😐Moj pokojni dečko je poginuo u automobilu, imao je sudar, pre skoro godinu dana. Onda sam upoznala dečka koji živi 300km udaljen od mene, i da će mi kola kad tad trebati. Čak i da ga nemam u svom životu, doćiće i deca jednog dana, i znam da će mi nekad stvarno trebati.😫Sela sam za volan, vozila sam auto po ravnim putevima, uglavnom mi mnogi kažu da imam osećaj za automobil, da dobro vozim, a sela sam u njega svega 3 puta.🤷🏻‍♀️

But I was still more drawn to that fear of cars. 🛻Why? Because my mother and I could have been hit by a car when I was very young. Fortunately, we were both fine. A few years ago, my mother was hit by a car, she had minor injuries, but she got them again due to someone else's carelessness. 😐My late boyfriend died in a car, he had an accident, almost a year ago. Then I met a guy who lives 300 km away from me, and that I will need a car at some point. Even if I don't have it in my life, children will come one day, and I know that someday I will really need it. , and I sat in it only 3 times.🤷🏻‍♀️


Možda bih i pošla na časove vožnje, i platiti tu određenu sumu, kupiti auto. Znam da bih trebala, ali šta ako budem imala loše iskustvo?😒

Maybe I would take driving lessons, and pay that certain amount, buy a car. I know I should, but what if I have a bad experience?😒


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🤗

Greeting from your Rebecca🤗

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