Letovanje koje je preokrenulo 1001 stvar🫣~A vacation that changed 1001 things🫣

Zdravo Hiver-i🤗
Mislim da je sada pravo vreme da krenem o priči na moru.🌊 A u nekom narednom postu da povežemo ovaj post sa tim sledećim.🤩
Iz jednog posta, upućeni su ljudi koji su čitali da sam na more otišla na kraju sa drugaricom iz detinjstva, Natali.👭🏻 Odlučile smo se za Budvu kao opciju gde idu svi mladi, gde je dobar provod i dobre žurke🎉.
Zakazala sam nam smeštaj preko Booking.com aplikacije, međutim nedelju dana pred put su nam otkazali smeštaj.😱
Nisam znala šta da radim, tražila sam smeštaje, ali sve je skoro bilo popunjeno ili je sve bilo extremno skupo jer se zakazivalo u sezoni🤑. Mislila sam da idemo na slepo🫣, pa ćemo naći tamo neki smeštaj, tamo uvek pored puta stoje ljudi koji nude smeštaj za turiste. Međutim, u zadnjem momentu se setila da njen kum a pritom moj drugar iz srednje škole radi u Budvi kao barmen🍹, da on tamo ima smeštaj pa da ga pitamo da li kojim slučajem ima jedno prazno mesto pošto bi Natali i ja delile jedan krevet🛏. Sva sreća, imali su 2 prazna mesta za nas dve, jednu celu sobu🛋, i nama je to zvučalo previše nestvarno, ali nam je bilo idealno, dali su nam do znanja da ne moramo nešto puno para dati, baš nešto malo para su nam tražili za to, i prihvatile smo ponudu🤪. A na kraju cele priče, shvatićete da mi nije za džabe sve delovalo tako nestvarno.😏

Hi Hivers🤗
I think now is the right time to start about the story at sea. 🌊 And in a future post, let's connect this post with the next one.🤩
From one post, people who read that I went to the sea at the end with my childhood friend, Natali. 👭🏻 We decided on Budva as an option where all young people go, where there is good time and good parties🎉.
I booked our accommodation through the Booking.com application, but a week before the trip they canceled our accommodation.😱
I didn't know what to do, I was looking for accommodations, but everything was almost full or everything was extremely expensive because it was scheduled during the season🤑. I thought we were going blind🫣, so we would find some accommodation there, there are always people standing by the road offering accommodation for tourists. However, at the last moment she remembered that her godfather and my friend from high school works in Budva as a bartender🍹, that he has accommodation there, so we should ask him if by any chance he has an empty place since Natalie and I would be sharing a bed🛏 . Fortunately, they had 2 empty places for the two of us, one whole room🛋, and it sounded too unreal to us, but it was ideal for us, they let us know that we didn't have to pay a lot of money, they just gave us a little money asked for it, and we accepted the offer🤪. And at the end of the whole story, you'll understand that it wasn't for nothing that everything seemed so unreal to me.😏


Iz Vršca smo doputovale za Beograd vozom🚄. Imale smo autobus🚎 u nekim kasnim popodnevnim satima za Budvu🏖.
Kada smo stigle za Beograd, otišle smo na autobusku stanicu da vidimo kako funkcioniše sve, ali je sve delovalo katastrofa iz razloga jer je bila ogromna gužva, ali tako je to u sezoni letovanja🫠.
Na kartama je pisao broj sedišta, ko gde sedi na kom sedištu, međutim nama dvema nije ni palo na pamet da će to neko poštovati, nego sedne ko gde hoće i to je sve. E tu je počeo prvi problem.🤣
Sele smo negde napred, a naše mesto je bilo skroz iza, na kraj autobusa😬. Došao je neki par👫🏻, počeo da pravi problem jer smo sele tu, međutim već je bio pun autobus i bilo je neprijatno da se upadne u svađu i raspravu🤬, ali naravno mi smo bez blama upale u raspravu i ako nismo bile u pravu, i onda nam je rekao vodič da moramo sesti na kraj autobusa.🥲
I tako smo završile na kraj autobusa sa još troje ljudi iza koji su extremno bili naporni.
Niti smo mogle da spavamo😴 jer su nas gnječili, ubila nas je klima, i te neke devojke su bile haos nekulturne a momak koji je sedeo između nas je bio dosta krupan i jedva je bilo mesta😶...

We traveled from Vršac to Belgrade by train🚄. We had a bus 🚎 in some late afternoon to Budva 🏖.
When we arrived in Belgrade, we went to the bus station to see how everything worked, but everything seemed like a disaster because there was a huge crowd, but that's how it is during the vacation season🫠.
On the tickets it was written the number of seats, who was sitting in which seat, but it didn't even occur to the two of us that anyone would respect that, but whoever sat where they wanted and that was all. And that's where the first problem started.🤣
We sat somewhere in the front, and our place was at the very back, at the end of the bus😬. A couple came 👫🏻, started making a problem because we were moving there, however, the bus was already full and it was unpleasant to get into an argument and argument🤬, but of course we got into the argument without a fuss even if we were wrong , and then the guide told us that we had to sit at the end of the bus.🥲
And so we ended up at the end of the bus with three other people behind who were extremely hardworking.
We couldn't even sleep😴 because they crushed us, the air conditioning killed us, and some of the girls were a mess of uncultured people, and the guy sitting between us was quite big and there was hardly any room😶...


Ali nema veze, kada smo napokon stigle na autobusku u Crnoj Gori, Budva, u jutarnjim satima, po nas su došli kum od Natali i njegov kolega. Otišli smo pravo na plažu "ploče" 🏖
Već mi je tu bilo sumnjivo zašto nismo u smeštaju u Budvi a ne da odmah idemo na Ploče.
Kada smo došle na Ploče, shvatili smo da je to ustvari njihovo radno mesto, a kolega od Natalinog kuma je otišao da nam traži smeštaj.😑
Tada mi je sve bilo jasno, oni nisu ni imali smeštaj za nas, lagali su nas, a mi smo došle na slepo.🙃

But it doesn't matter, when we finally arrived at the bus stop in Montenegro, Budva, in the morning, Natali's godfather and his colleague came to pick us up. We went straight to the beach "ploche" 🏖
It was already suspicious to me why we are not staying in accommodation in Budva and not immediately going to Ploče.
When we came to Ploče, we realized that it was actually their place of work, and a colleague of Natali's godfather went to look for accommodation for us.😑
Then everything was clear to me, they didn't even have accommodation for us, they lied to us, and we came blindly.🙃


Tako premorene od puta i nespavanja🥱, mi smo se samo presvukle u kupaći👙, ostavile kofere🧳 ispod šanka i samo smo legle na ležaljke. Iskrena da budem, svi su bili super od zaposlenih. I konobari, i vođe koji prave žurke, sve je bilo super. Dobile smo besplatne kafe🧋, besplatne ležaljke i stvarno ne mogu da kažem, Crnogorci su mnogo fini i prijateljski nastrojeni prema turistima, koliko god da moraju biti skupi.😂
Odmah smo se sprijateljile sa svima.
Ali mene je i dalje brinuo taj smeštaj....
U nekim popodnevnim satima🕝, došao je taj kolega do nas, Natali i mene i rekao kako ne trebamo da brinemo ništa, da nam je našao smeštaj, po ceni o kojoj smo se dogovorili, i to je to. Tu mi je malo laknulo, i ako sam i dalje imala nemir.🫨

So tired from the trip and lack of sleep🥱, we just changed in the bathroom👙, left our suitcases🧳 under the bar and just lay down on the deckchairs. To be honest, all the employees were great. Both the waiters and the party leaders, everything was great. We got free coffee🧋, free sunbeds and I really can't say, Montenegrins are very nice and friendly towards tourists, no matter how expensive they must be.😂
We immediately became friends with everyone.
But I was still worried about that accommodation...
In the afternoon 🕝, that colleague came to us, Natalie and me, and said that we don't need to worry about anything, that he found us accommodation, at the price we agreed on, and that's it. I felt a little relieved there, even if I still had restlessness.🫨


Pozvao nas je vođa koji pravi koktel žurke na žurku, otišle smo na žurku, dao nam je neki slobodan sto i dobile smo besplatan koktel,🍹 2, 3 puta... Već nam je bilo neprijatno da nam ništa niko ne dozvoljava da plaćamo, ali smo bile svesne da je to samo jedan dan tako, da već sutra ćemo morati sve normalno plaćati pa smo se malo opustile.😌
Prvi dan nam nije prošao loše, upoznale smo dosta ljudi, ali ni sa kim nismo ostale u kontaktu, pogotovo ne Natali jer ona nije želela ništa, otišla je na more kao zauzeta devojka, a ja sam bila slobodna.

We were invited by the leader who makes cocktail parties to the party, we went to the party, he gave us a free table and we got a free cocktail, 🍹 2, 3 times... We were already uncomfortable that no one would let us pay for anything, but we were aware that it was only for one day, that tomorrow we would have to pay everything normally, so we relaxed a bit.😌
The first day didn't go bad for us, we met a lot of people, but we didn't stay in touch with anyone, especially not Natalie because she didn't want anything, she went to the sea like a busy girl, and I was free.



Prvi dan nam nije prošao loše, upoznale smo dosta ljudi, ali ni sa kim nismo ostale u kontaktu, pogotovo ne Natali jer ona nije želela ništa, otišla je na more kao zauzeta devojka, a ja sam bila slobodna.
Uveče, oko 20:00, završila se smena na pločama, i uputile smo se u smeštaj.
Smeštaj nam je bio blizu Ploča.
Ali smo nas sve izričito htele u Budvi. Nismo znale šta da radimo, kako da odemo same do Budve, kad ne znamo ni kako se kreću gradski prevozi🚎, a pritom je mnogo daleko Budva od Ploča, Ploče je poslednja plaža u Crnoj Gori... Bilo nam je neprijatno da kažemo Natalinom kumu i tom kolegi da nas voze u Budvu da nađemo neki drugi smeštaj jer bi ispale jako nezahvalne i nekulturne jer su se ipak potrudili da nam pronađu nešto.🤦🏻‍♀️
Par dana smo stalno išle na Ploče, ali nama je brzo to dosadilo, htele smo da obilazimo, da idemo i u noćne provode a ne samo na dnevne žurke, htele smo da idemo malo među druge ljude🤷🏻‍♀️...

The first day didn't go bad for us, we met a lot of people, but we didn't stay in touch with anyone, especially not Natalie because she didn't want anything, she went to the sea like a busy girl, and I was free.
In the evening, around 20:00, the shift on the plates ended, and we headed to the accommodation.
Our accommodation was close to Ploče.
But we specifically wanted all of us in Budva. We didn't know what to do, how to get to Budva by ourselves, when we don't even know how to get around on city transport🚎, and Budva is very far from Ploče, Ploče is the last beach in Montenegro... We were embarrassed to tell Natalina to the godfather and that colleague to drive us to Budva to find another accommodation because they would come off as very ungrateful and uncultured because they still tried to find us something.🤦🏻‍♀️
We went to Ploče all the time for a few days, but we quickly got bored of it, we wanted to go around, to go to night parties and not just to daytime parties, we wanted to go among other people 🤷🏻‍♀️...


Smeštaj nam je bio dosta loš, nismo imale wi-fi, nismo imale normalno kuhinju, nismo imale ni tv, a jedva dometa.🤏🏻
Izjavile smo da hoćemo malo da idemo i na neku drugu plažu, a ne samo na Ploče. Odvezao nas je taj kolega na plažu Trsteno. Plaža Tresteno je mnogo lepa plaža, najčistija, najmirnija, najlepša ali bez signala i bez preterano mnogo ljudi...💢

Our accommodation was quite bad, we didn't have wi-fi, we didn't have a normal kitchen, we didn't even have a TV, and barely a range.🤏🏻
We said that we want to go to another beach, not just Ploče. That colleague drove us to Trsteno beach. Tresteno beach is a very nice beach, the cleanest, calmest, most beautiful, but without a signal and without too many people...💢


Ubrzo smo se smorile i uputile smo se peške do plaže Ploče jer tu imamo interneta i odatle posle možemo nazad u naš bedan smeštaj.😩
Taj dan smo na dnevnoj koktel žurci upoznale par momaka. Svi su bili super, odmah smo se sprijateljili i ostali smo svi zajedno na toj žurci.🥳
Tu nastaje drugi problem😂

Soon we got tired and headed to Ploče beach on foot because we have internet there and from there we can go back to our miserable accommodation.😩
That day we met a couple of guys at the daily cocktail party. Everyone was great, we immediately became friends and we all stayed together at that party.🥳
This is where another problem arises😂



Tu nastaje drugi problem😂
Ispostavilo se da su kolega i Natalin kum bili ljubomorni što smo upoznale te drugare i rekli nam da platimo punu cenu za taj bedni smeštaj i da se same snalazimo kada budemo želele na neku plažu.🤨
Jako bezobrazno sa njihove strane, ali sva sreća u ove drugare koje smo upoznale, oni su imali kola🚘, pa smo samo spakovala kofere, nismo dale ni cent🪙 za smeštaj i otišle da tražimo smešaj u Budvi.
To je već bio 4,5 dan našeg boravka u Crnoj Gori, pa smo uplatile smeštaj za još 2,3 dana.💶

This is where another problem arises😂
It turned out that a colleague and Natal's godfather were jealous that we met those friends and told us to pay full price for that miserable accommodation and to fend for ourselves when we want to go to a beach.🤨
Very rude on their part, but good luck to these friends we met, they had a car🚘, so we just packed our bags, didn't pay a single cent🪙 for accommodation and went to look for a match in Budva.
That was already 4.5 days of our stay in Montenegro, so we paid for accommodation for another 2.3 days.💶


Kolega i Natalin kum su mislili da smo se nas dve vratile za Srbiju i bili su srećni što su mislili da su uspeli da nam pokvare odmor.😆
Izlazile smo po Budvi, išle smo u noćne provode, išle smo sa tim drugarima i na Aco Pejovića, mog omiljenog pevača🥹
Išle smo na večerice🍝, i ti zadnji dani su nam bili mnogo bolji nego prvi.

A colleague and Natal's best man thought that the two of us had returned to Serbia and were happy that they thought they managed to spoil our vacation.😆
We went out around Budva, we went to night parties, we went with those friends to see Aco Pejović, my favorite singer🥹
We went to dinners🍝, and those last days were much better than the first.



Predposlednji dan smo otišle na plažu Ploče iz inata Natalinom kumu i kolegi, da vide da smo ustvari još uvek tu.😈
Naravno, uspele smo nekako da se snađemo kako idu ti gradski autobusi po plažama, pa smo skoro svaku plaži i obišle.
Kada su nas ugledali, mislim da su svi pozeleneli kada su nas videli🤯😳, i oni i radnici, neki su se nama čak i obradovali i pitali se da li smo se tek tako vratile za Srbiju a da se nismo ni pozdravile😁
Pa smo eto taman došle da se pozdravimo.
Vođa žurke je bio neprijatan prema nama, okretao bi glavu kada bi nas ugledao, kao i konobari neki. Ali nas je baš bilo briga, zanimljivo nam je bilo što su pod nervozom😂

On the penultimate day, we went to Ploče beach to spite Natalina's godfather and colleague, so that they could see that we are actually still here.😈
Of course, we somehow managed to find out how those city buses go to the beaches, so we visited almost every beach.
When they saw us, I think they all turned green when they saw us🤯😳, both they and the workers, some were even happy for us and wondered if we just returned to Serbia without even saying goodbye😁
So we just came to say goodbye.
The leader of the party was unpleasant to us, he would turn his head when he saw us, as well as some of the waiters. But we didn't really care, we found it interesting that they were nervous😂



Legle smo na ležaljke, naručile piće🍸, i otišle smo na dušek i u more.🌊
Zanimljiva činjenica je ta što obe ne umemo da plivamo i do sada smo se kupale dok osećamo tlo pod nogama😅
Ne znam šta nam je bilo na pameti da legnemo na dušek a talasi su ogromni bili🌊.
Naravno da su nas talasi odvukli u neku dubinu i da nas je uhvatio već strah i da nismo znale šta da radimo.😨
To je panika bila, more je bilo puno ljudi, neki su skakali u more, neki ronili🏊🏻‍♀️, neki samo plivali a nas dve kao dva idiota mučimo se da dođemo barem do neke stene da stanemo tu.🪨
Nekako smo sa dušekom došle do neke male stene, ja sam se popela na nju, a Natali je pokušavala da sa dušekom ode do stepenica gde vode gore ka kopnu⛱️.
Njoj je na kraj neka žena pomogla, odgurala ju je zajedno sa dušekom do kopna a ja ostala sama na steni u dubini😐
Stena je nenormalno klizilava bila, mislila sam da ću skliznuti i udaviti se na sopstvenom odmoru i letovanju😒...
Natali je pokušavala da mi pomogne, ali nikako nije mogla
U jednom momentu videla sam jednog dečka👱🏼 u moru kako nas posmatra i smeje nam se. Iskreno uvredila sam se, ali ugrabila sam priliku da čim već posmatra situaciju, da mu viknem.
Rekla sam mu "umesto što se smeješ i gledaš, dođi i pomozi mi"
On je kulturno došao do stene, Natali je spustila dušek od gore na stenu, popela sam se na dušek i dečko me je odvukao do kopna⛱️, a dok me je vukao ja sam u celom tom strahu govorila kako ću sa svojih 20 godina života umreti na sopstvenom letovanju, i to poslednjem danu😳. On se samo smejao, bila sam mu ekstremno simpatična tako uplašena🫣.
Od tog momenta počinje moja ljubavna priča koja traje i dan danas🥰, ali za tu priču će te pročitati u nastavku nekog drugog posta, a sada ću se vratiti na moje letovanje u Crnoj Gori.

We laid down on deckchairs, ordered a drink🍸, and went to the mattress and to the sea.🌊
An interesting fact is that both of us cannot swim and so far we have been bathing while feeling the ground under our feet😅
I don't know what was on our minds to lie down on the mattress and the waves were huge🌊.
Of course the waves dragged us into some depth and we were already afraid and we didn't know what to do.😨
It was a panic, the sea was full of people, some were jumping into the sea, some were diving🏊🏻‍♀️, some were just swimming and the two of us like two idiots were struggling to reach at least some rock to stand there.🪨
Somehow we reached a small rock with the mattress, I climbed it, and Natalie was trying to go with the mattress to the stairs leading up to the mainland⛱️.
In the end, a woman helped her, she pushed her along with the mattress to the land, and I was left alone on the rock in the depth😐
The rock was abnormally slippery, I thought I was going to slip and drown on my own vacation 😒...
Natalie tried to help me, but she couldn't
At one point I saw a boy 👱🏼 in the sea watching us and laughing at us. I was honestly offended, but I seized the opportunity to shout at him as soon as he was observing the situation.
I told him "instead of smiling and looking, come and help me"
He culturally came to the rock, Natali lowered the mattress from above onto the rock, I climbed onto the mattress and the boyfriend dragged me to the land⛱️, and while he was dragging me I was saying in all that fear that I would die in my 20s on your own vacation, and on the last day 😳. He just laughed, I was extremely nice to him so scared🫣.
From that moment began my love story that continues to this day, but you will read about that story in the continuation of another post, and now I will return to my vacation in Montenegro.


Svratile smo na dnevnu žurku na Pločama, malo nam je dosadilo, i vratile smo se za Budvu.
Iskreno, bilo je dosta skuplje u Budvi nego po nekim drugim mestima, pa sam morala da teram majku da mi šalje moj novac preko westeruniona jer sam ja ponela pogrešnu bankovnu karticu🥸
Možda je početak letovanja bio katastrofa, ali se na kraju izdešavalo toliko dobrih stvari, i sva sreća sve se tako izdešavalo, jer da nije ja sada ne bih bila srećno zaljubljena.❤
Bilo je stvarno celo letovanje za pamćenje, od početka puta pa do vraćanje nazad za Srbiju. Mislim da svako treba iskusiti taj provod🥳, taj adrenalin🥵, taj prelep osećaj😁.
A što se tiče nastavka od spašavanja davljenja, ispratite neke od mojih sledećih postova.😌

We stopped by the daytime party in Ploče, we got a little bored, and we returned to Budva.
Honestly, it was a lot more expensive in Budva than in some other places, so I had to make my mother send me my money via western union because I brought the wrong bank card🥸
Maybe the beginning of the vacation was a disaster, but in the end so many good things happened, and luckily everything happened that way, because if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't be happily in love now.❤
It was really a memorable vacation, from the beginning of the trip to the return to Serbia. I think everyone should experience that time 🥳, that adrenaline 🥵, that beautiful feeling😁.
And as for the continuation from the drowning rescue, stay tuned for some of my next posts.😌





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