Obojena jesen u mom gradu 🍂🍁🧡 Colored autumn in my city


Jesen je ponovo tu, leto je tako brzo prošlo da mi je zaista žao što nije malo duže trajalo.
Ipak i jesen zna biti veoma lepa, kada je nešto toplije vreme, a nešto manjih dana kada pada kiša.
Živim u malom gradu u kojim ima dosta zelenih površina, a jesen može da zablista u svom punom sjaju i raskošnim bojama.

Autumn is here again, summer went by so quickly that I'm really sorry that it didn't last a little longer.
However, autumn can also be very beautiful, when the weather is a bit warmer, and there are shorter days when it rains.
I live in a small town where there are plenty of green areas, and autumn can shine in all its glory and gorgeous colors.



Na svu sreću nismo okruženi visokim zgradama i betonom, zaista bi to tada bilo pravo sivilo.
U mom gradu ima dosta manjih parkova ali i kuća ispred kojih se nalaze zasađena razna drveća, boje jeseni su zaista dominantne i u svom punom sjaju.

Fortunately, we are not surrounded by tall buildings and concrete, it would really be gray then.
In my city, there are a lot of smaller parks and houses in front of which there are planted various trees, the autumn colors are really dominant and in their full glory.




Koračam ulicama i zapažam da su promene uveliko, lišće menja svoje boje i opada.
Prolaznika sve manje ima, a restorani su postala prava pustoš samo ga lišće kiti svojim bojama, uprkos lepom vremenu sve je manje ljudi nezna da li zbog jeseni, obaveza ili cena koji svaki dan rastu!

I walk through the streets and notice that the changes are big, the leaves change their colors and fall.
There are fewer and fewer passers-by, and the restaurants have become a real wasteland, only the leaves decorate it with their colors, despite the beautiful weather, there are fewer and fewer people, I don't know if it's because of autumn, obligations or prices that are increasing every day!



Ja ipak volim duge šetnje po jesenjem suncu koje manje greje, dominantene boje koje jesen pruža.
Zaista vredi pogledati jesen iz nekog drugog ugla i radovati se svi njeni dezenima.

I still like long walks in the autumn sun, which warms less, the dominant colors that autumn provides.
It is really worth looking at autumn from a different angle and looking forward to all its patterns.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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