Kako je učenik popravijo ocenu uz pomoć komandanta kasarne🎖️👮🎖️ How the student improved his grade with the help of the barracks commander

Koliko toga se događa oko nas a nekih stvari nismo ni svesni da postoje!
Ucena profesora prema učniku!
Ustvari sam pojam ucene je način kojima nam bliske osobe prete ako im se nešto ne sviđa ili ako ne postupamo kako oni žele.
Ili jednostavno da naš bes prenesemo na nekoga ko je slabiji od nas.
Na neki način ove ucene znaju da pogode osobe pravo u srce.
Kako bi bili dostojansveni i kako bi se izborili protiv ovakvih nepravednih ucena, priču koju mi je ispričao moj brat želim da podelim sa vama.

How much is happening around us and some things we are not even aware of their existence!
Blackmailing the professor against the student!
In fact, the very concept of blackmail is a way that close people threaten us if they don't like something or if we don't act as they want.
Or simply to transfer our anger to someone who is weaker than us.
In a way, these blackmailers know how to hit people right in the heart.
In order to be dignified and to fight against such unjust blackmail, I want to share with you the story that my brother told me.

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Moj brat koji je pohađa srednju školu, nije bio baš u ljubavi sa profesorom matematike.
Na jednom času matematike se nije osećao nešto najbolje, ali pošto je već bio u školi ostao je na času.
Međutim profesor ga je nešto ispitivao, on mu je odgovorijo da se ne oseća dobro.

Reakcija profesora:

  • Napolje sa časa, odmah!


  • Zašto?
  • nisam ništa loše uradijo sem što se ne osećam dobro.

I tako reč po reč, postalo je gusto da je došlo do toga da je morao da izađe sa časa, ali kako ga profesor nije gotivijo, na svu njegovu muku upisao mu je dve jedinice i zaključio ocenu za kraj godine.
Neverovatno, zar ne?
Svaki učenik ima pravo da popravi ocenu, ali je nažalost to njemu profesor nemilosrdno ukinuo priliku.
Na kraju mu je rekao da se više ne pojavljuje na njegovom času.
Jedino komandir vojske može doći kako bi popravio ocenu.
Mislim štrašna ucena!

My brother, who attends high school, was not exactly in love with the math teacher.
He didn't feel the best in one math class, but since he was already at school, he stayed in the class.
However, the professor questioned him about something, and he replied that he was not feeling well.

Teacher's reaction:

  • Out of class, now!


  • Why?
  • I didn't do anything wrong except that I don't feel well.

And so, word by word, it became so thick that he had to leave the class, but since the professor did not finish him, despite his pain, he entered two units and concluded the grade for the end of the year.
Amazing, isn't it?
Every student has the right to improve his grade, but unfortunately, the professor mercilessly canceled his opportunity.
He ended up telling him not to show up to his class anymore.
Only the army commander can come to improve the grade.
I mean terrible blackmail!

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Tužan i isprovociran profesorovom reakcijom, našao se nekako bespomoćan u razmišljanu kako će da popravi ocenu, pored takve ucene naći komandira vojske koji bi došao da razgovara sa profesorom kako bi mu popravio ocenu.
Borivši se teškim mislima setio se jednog Komandira vojske, koji je za vreme rata koje je pogodilo Srbiju bio sa tatom na ratištu.
Odlučio je da prošeta do kasarne i da ga potraži i upita za pomoć?

Saddened and provoked by the professor's reaction, he found himself somehow helpless in thinking about how to improve his grade, in addition to such blackmail, he found an army commander who would come to talk to the professor in order to improve his grade.
Struggling with difficult thoughts, he remembered an army commander who was with his father on the battlefield during the war that hit Serbia.
He decided to walk to the barracks and look for him and ask for help?

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Nije očekivao da će ga primiti u kasarni, ali baš mu se posrećilo i uspeo je dođe do komandata.

He did not expect to receive him in the barracks, but he was very lucky and managed to reach the commander.


  • Dobar dan!
  • Hvala što ste me primili.


  • Dobar dan!
  • Kako da si došao da me posetiš ovde?


  • Muka me naterala!
  • Problem sa profesorom matematike ucenio me.


  • Kako?


  • Bio mi je loš dan u školi!
  • profesor mi je zakljućio jedinicu za kraj godine, nedaje mi priliku da je popravim.
  • Jedino je mogu popraviti ako dođe samnom neki komandir kasarne!
  • da li biste mogli da mi pomognete?


  • Nemoj da se nerviraš, pomoći ću ti!
  • samo da se uzmem sako i kapu i idemo u školu.
  • Auto mi je ispred kasarne idemo do škole.


  • Good day!
  • Thank you for having me.


  • Good day!
  • How did you come to visit me here?


  • Pain forced me!
  • The problem with the math teacher blackmailed me.


  • How?


  • I had a bad day at school!
  • the professor closed my unit for the end of the year, he doesn't give me a chance to fix it.
  • I can only fix it if a barracks commander comes with me!
  • could you help me?


  • Don't be nervous, I'll help you!
  • just to get a jacket and a cap and go to school.
  • My car is in front of the barracks, we are going to school.

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Svi su ga provocirali videvši ga kako ulazi sa komandirom kasarne u školi, uputili se pravo prema zbornici.
Komandir je ušao u zbornicu i poželeo svim profesorima dobar dan.
Kada ga je ugledao profesor matematike ostao je nepomičan u momentu je uzeo dnevnik i izašao iz zbornice sa komandiro i mojim bratom.


  • čuo sam da je ovaj dečak imao problem sa vama?
  • Zaključili ste mu i jedinicu za kraj gonine koju nemože popraviti bez komandira kasarne.
  • Da li vi znate da je to ucena?


  • Da.
  • zaključiću mu dvojku zato što ste vi došli, ali ne želim da dolazi na moj čas do kraja godine.

Everyone provoked him when they saw him entering the school with the barracks commander, they headed straight for the assembly hall.
The commander entered the assembly hall and wished all the professors a good day.
When the mathematics professor saw him, he remained motionless, immediately took the diary and left the meeting room with the commander and my brother.


  • I heard this boy had a problem with you?
  • You also closed the unit for the end of the campaign, which he cannot repair without the commander of the barracks.
  • Do you know that it is blackmail?


  • Yes.
  • I'll give him a double because you came, but I don't want him to come to my class until the end of the year.

Moj brat je ovoj uceni stavijo tačku, popravio svoju ocenu i do kraja godine nije odlazio na časove matematike.
Da li je moguće da se ovako nešto dešava u školama?
Ucenjivati učenike i iskaliti svoj bes na slabijim od tebe, umesto da im se objasni materija kako bi svhatili matematiku ili bilo koji drugi predmet.
Jedino ako shvate materiju mogu ići dalje a ne glupim ucenama jer te profesor jednostavno ne podnosi.

My brother put an end to this teaching, improved his grade and did not go to math classes until the end of the year.
Is it possible that something like this happens in schools?
Blackmailing students and venting your anger on those weaker than you, instead of explaining the material to them in order to understand mathematics or any other subject.
Only if they understand the material can they go further and not with stupid blackmail because the professor simply can't stand you.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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