Put do mog daljnjeg uspeha-The road to my further success

Pozdrav Hiveri.
Zovem se Milan, a drugari me zovu Miki.
Zivim u jednom malom gradu u Vojvodini, u Vršcu.
Imam 16 godina,idem u tehničku školu "Sava Munćan" u Beloj Crkvi.
Moj smer je "mašinski tehničar motornih vozila" i druga sam godina srednje škole.

Hi Hivers.
My name is Milan, and my friends call me Mickey. I live in a small town in Vojvodina in Vršac. I am 16 years old, I go to the technical school "Sava Muncan" in Bela Crkva. My major is "mechanical technician of motor vehicles" and I am in my second year of high school.


Živim sa tatom, mamom, sestrom i bratom.
U slobodno vreme igram igrice i vozim biciklu sa društvom.
Volim prirodu, zivotinje i da setam.
Imam pitomog papagaja zove se Kiwi i jos dosta zivotinja sa kojima cu da vas upoznam kroz moje sledece objave.

I live with my dad, mom, sister and brother. In my free time I play games and ride a bike with friends.
I love nature, animals and walk. I've got a tame parrot named Kiwi and a lot of other animals I'm going to introduce you to through my next announcements.


Ostanite samnom jer vas čeka mnogo toga zanimljivog o zivotinjama, hrani, prirodi i jos mnogo toga.
Pozdrav od Milana.

Stay with me because there's a lot of interesting things waiting for you about animals, food, nature and more.
Greetings from Milan.

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