Trenutak radosti - A moment of joy

Pozdrav dragi moji Hive-ri!

Po prvi u životu se nalazim u nekom novom kripto svetu, gde je meni sve tako novo, da želim podeliti sa vama moja razna iskustva.
Hello my dear Hiver's!

For the first time in my life, I am in a new crypto world, where everything is so new to me, that I want to share with you my various experiences.


Moja porodica i svakodnevne sitnice koje ispunjavaju moj život, čine ga srećnim i zadovoljnim. Volim da šetam po kiši i da posmatram zalazak sunca.

Radujem se svakoj pahuljici i da ih posmatram dok promiču. Volim muziku i uglavnom igram dok je slušam. Radujem se malim stvarima i da se smejem od srca. Uživam u dobroj fotografiji i komičnim filmovima.

Čokoladu mogu da pojedem celu pošto obožavam slatko. Eto to sam ja.

Nadam se da ćemo se još dugo vremena družiti ovde.

Srdacan pozdrav od Mari!
My family and the daily little things that fill my life make it happier and more satisfied. I like to walk in the rain and watch the sunset.

I look forward to every snowflake and watch them as they pass. I love music and mostly play while listening to it. I look forward to small things and to laugh from the heart. I enjoy good photography and comic movies.

I can eat chocolate whole because I love sweets. That's me.

I hope we hang out here for a long time here.

Best regards from Mary!
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