I miss you

It’s been years, and I still feel Your absence in my heart
Where life has taken you
Good or bad I don’t know
You might have caused me pain
But the joy, love, and caring you have once shown make me miss you
Pains and sadness evolve around me all day thinking about the time we were so close
My life is spent in agony thinking about you
What I did, to deserve “let’s end it” I don’t know
The best behaviour and kindness I have always given to you
Loyalty and trust all lie within me.
All the virtues of a lady I think I possess

Why will you end it? It’s the question ringing in my heart always
Too bad, you didn't give any reasons
You left, without saying a word
It hurt, it really do

And I miss you every minutes, seconds and hour
It’s hard to forget, and heal
But I know I will

All I ever wish for you is peace, nothing but peace

And a little reminder, that I miss you🥲

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