

If I was born again I would choose to be a turtle,
Because with my shell, I can hide from all the hurtful
Things people always say about me,
And I can be in my own world, living happily.

I've had advice about not caring what other people think,
But there are just some comments that always bring me to the brink,
To the point where I cry and break down inside,
So if I become a turtle, I would still cry BUT i can atleast hide.

In my turtle shell, I would have everything I need,
Warm clothes, a couch, and the good ol' mead
Ofcourse, I would have a tv inside too,
It won't have cable but netflix will do.

If i would get hungry,
I would never worry,
Id just stretch my neck
And take a big peck
Out of the flowerbed
The flowers will keep me fed.

If I get thirsty, I'd take a sip
From the dew on the grass' lip,
Or I'd go to the nearest water source,
And drink 'till I fill my belly ofcourse.

If I would get lonely, which happens rarely,
I'd distract myself merely,
By singing karaoke.

All these I would do,
If by some miracle,
My wishes be granted and I become a turtle.


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