A Gift from Nature and a Tiny Poem

Merry festive season to you all. I've been enjoying these darkest days with walks in the forest, and getting some writing in between cooking all the things and spending time with my family.

I have much to be grateful for, and my heart is full of love. I keep hope alive with thoughts of a bright future and count my blessings in the present.

One of my favorite things is hiking with my dog, which we try to do every day. Here are some recent photos of us out on the trail.

Me and Shelta on our favorite trail.

Throw the ball please mommy.

The Sweetest Gift

My favorite gift of the holiday season came a couple of days past solstice, when I was up on the trail after a fresh snow.

I saw deer tracks, squirrel tracks, mouse tracks and rabbit tracks. In fact, a few weeks ago a white rabbit raced down the trail in front of me while my dog was still up in the trees looking for it. Some interference was required on my part to call her off the chase so the rabbit could get away, but she listened. The rabbit scurried off and we continued on our hike.

But two mornings after solstice I saw lynx tracks! I didn't have my phone so no pictures, but it was so cool!

Yes, I'm still delighted by the whole thing. I followed the tracks in absolute joy that I was walking the same path a lynx walked hours earlier.

Lately I've seen what I think are bobcat tracks (unless it's a large feral living way up in the woods), but this is the first time I've seen lynx tracks on that trail. And no, they weren't cougar. I checked. The stride was too short for a cat that big. The paws were wide with lots of fur and the tracks barely pushed down the bit of snow we had. Definitely lynx.

What a wonderful gift from nature, to walk beside the tracks of such a reclusive, beautiful animal.

Note: I did not see an actual lynx, just tracks in the snow. (Lynx photo licensed via Canva)

A cozy little poem.

It's been a warm winter thus far, which is fine, considering last year we had -40 and frozen pipes for Boxing Day. The kids wish there was more snow but I'm sure it'll come. The lake is finally freezing, and yesterday, beneath the full moon, it sang.

I thought of this little poem and thought I'd share it with you.

(Icy lake: photo licensed via Canva)

The Singing Lake

The winter lake echoes,
Singing in the deep.
Whale song in the mountains.

Moonshine illuminates the surface
Where brave souls skate across
Newly formed ice.

That's it! Sometimes poems are short and sweet. If you've never heard ice hardening across a lake, it sounds remarkably like whale song.

I hope this season finds you with hope in your heart and gratitude in your life.

Thanks for reading! 💖

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!
Peace @Katrina-Ariel / @LeiaTalon

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Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, and author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance). She writes Fantasy as Leia Talon, including Their Majesties' Pleasure interactive fiction, and books: Shelta's Songbook, Falling Through the Weaving, and Dragons in the Weaving. Visit her website at www.LeiaTalon.com

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