After the Typhoon ~ Haiku of Japan

A few days ago we had some nasty weather in Japan. But there are two sides to every coin, and the results were pleasant.

a gift
from the typhoon
beautiful sunset

You may have seen some posts about it around Hive from our members in Japan about the typhoon that came through recently. Typhoon usually aren't too bad by the time they reason the main islands of Japan, but they do give us a nice soak. They also bring the to my mind the most beautiful sunsets of any time of the year. It's gotten to the point where when a typhoon comes I make sure my lenses are clean and my camera battery is charged, because when it ends if there is enough time for the sky to clear before the sunset, I want to be sure to get photos of it.

I didn't get out to take photos this time. That shot above is from after a previous typhoon. But I did put my pen to paper for this haiku.


Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

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