Closer to Heaven

The morning silence echoes all around,
Ginger and grape vine dancing to the sound.
Books stacked strangely gathering dust,
The background of stillness is what i can trust.

Thoughts swirl around me, yet which do i hold?
The ones that come often recalled from days of old?
Or stepping out of comfort, the ego to destroy,
With uplifting thoughts which could lead to more joy?

Present moment awareness with attention chosen well,
Leads us dreamers closer to heaven and further from hell.
Sitting still in the silence every day without fail,
Helps us make good choices so best intentions prevail.

Feeding the body and feeding the soul,
With sattvic vibrations alive and whole,
Choosing living food over comfort and sloth
Can for sure jumpstart our spiritual growth.

There's time for reflection and time for creation,
And time for humanity to unite as one nation.
With fractal consensus to help lead us all home,
In peace and abundance this earth we can roam.

Sat Nam

Ps. Did you see .. Whoopee?

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

!HBIT #lotus #archon #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #PGM #OneUp #m8s #matrix8fixesthis #thoughtfuldailypost #vyb

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