Benefits of Babies for Breakfast

ClickBait - it's not what you (might) think!


I hope i've not offended you with the title. i'm talking about baby lettuces for breakfast. Here's why:

  • I have hundreds of baby lettuces crowded together in some of my garden beds. There is not enough space for them to grow, so i am thinning them out. i've already transplanted some into pots and moved them to a greenhouse so they survive the up-coming frosts (actually we had first frost this morning). I wrote about transplanting them (with pictures) a few days ago. Also in that same post i show the sowing of some sunflower seeds which i intend to grow to micro-green stage before consuming.

Anyway, i usually add chard to my green smoothies, but there's not much left in the garden now, so i thought i would use the baby lettuces today.

Baby lettuces in bedBaby lettuces after bathtimeBaby lettuces about to be blended in #greensmoothie

Click images to view full size

  • Baby lettuces are what is known as #microgreens. Micro-Greens are brimming full with energy and nutrients, so are extremely beneficial for physical health. They could be called a #superfood even.

Microgreens, also known as “vegetable confetti” (and many other names), are germinating seedlings usually harvested between 7-14 days. Source

Scientific studies confirm that microgreens contain up to 40 times more nutrients than their fully-fledged counterparts.
Some of the chronic conditions microgreens can protect you from include:
Heart Disease: polyphenols are a type of antioxidant linked to a decreased risk of heart disease, specifically because they can potentially lower inflammatory response and “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels.
Cancer: Consuming higher levels of polyphenols and antioxidants could reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Diabetes: Research shows that antioxidants improved insulin response and sugar metabolization by up to 44 percent.
Alzheimer’s Disease: increasing antioxidant intake could be linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Source

Regarding the picture of the baby above, although i took the picture (and the one below) myself, the blanket is partially wrapped around a paper bag with a picture of a baby on it. I found the bag, about to be discarded in the garage of my daughters house when she was clearing out preparing to move about 2 years ago. i've been using the bag to store warranty documents for 2 years, and after looking for the warranty for my strimmer (which temporarily stopped working last week - but appears ok now - @valera7368 will be pleased to know) i put it temporarily under some shelves in my living room. This morning during yoga practice the baby was staring at me, so i thought i would wrap it in a blanket and take a picture to make it look more real. i'm pleased with how it came out.


To Source the original image properly, this is the only info. there is on the bag:

img_0.8491869044225127.jpgColumn 1

Do you grow microgreens? If so, please comment and upload a (or some) pictures below.

Wishing you Health, Wealth & Contentment with all that you attract into your life,


All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

Ps. Micro-greens can protect you from the Symptoms known as COVID and help reverse the damaging effects of vaccination (if you have been vaccinated, which i hope you have not!).

Pps. #DOVID21 could also do the same!

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