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I watched in horror and disbelief as these hands scraped harshly at my door almost as if trying to escape from their prisons to reach out for my very being. In all my life, I have never felt such fear before. Such dreadful fear. My God!...I felt as if I should scream or die!!! And then... just then after nearly breaking down. I fainted and dropped to the floor.

What I recall happening next was me lying face up on my bed. I was awake but not awake. All I could really feel was a huge pressure on my body that hindered my movement. Immediately I panicked for I knew this feeling all to well. It was sleep paralysis! Oh... how dreadfully nervous I was to be in this situation again. I had previously experienced sleep paralysis as a kid but this time it was different: I could see my surroundings and could make out that I was in my room. Quite honestly, I wasn't entirely sure if my eyes were open or not but I could still see.

While still in this uncomfortably ominous state, I started to hear strange sounds. Sounds like whispering around my bed and just moments later, I saw something very bizarre - It was a black figure standing just by my door.

I became nervous again and started to panic. The overwhelming fear of what stood before me combined with the uncomfortable pressure I felt on my body made it difficult for me to breathe. However, I tried to control myself and assumed this was all some sort of Sleep paralysis hallucination. Alas, that notion fell flat and my panicking peaked like never before when this figure started moving slowly towards my bed. The closer, and closer it got, the more afraid I became.

Soon the figure stood motionless right in view and glared directly at me with its demonic fiery eyes. Honestly, I'm not sure if it was the sleep paralysis or the sheer sight of the creature that actually paralyzed me but needless to say, I was frightened. I couldn't say anything, move, or even scream. All I could do was just stare at this creature standing in my room.

Then after about 5 minutes of complete despair, I struggled to move my toes and that was it.... I was instantly out of the sleep paralysis! I woke up around 6:30 am sweating, gasping, and crying like never before. It was truly a terrifying experience.

I remember spending the rest of that day in complete solitude. I felt unease the entire day so much so that my family members became worried about me. Frankly, i didn't want to tell them any of what was happening to me, mostly due to the fact that I was afraid of what they will think. I feared they would either laugh at the whole experience and regard it as some type of comical fiction of my imagination; or at the very least, they may decide to take me to a church with the notion that I have been possessed by a demon or something. Truth be told, I did question if the latter was in fact the case.

Nighttime had come and I started feeling very nervous again. I was so scared and worried of what might become of me if I slept tonight. I even feared for my own life. The last few days had been very tough for me. Having all these consistent lucid nightmares were just so overwhelming and mentally draining. I was fed up and couldn't take it anymore! I just couldn't.... And so, I made up my mind that I just wouldn't sleep that night.

Hours had passed that night and I started feeling weary. The fatigue became so unbearable that I had to sit on the sofa, drink a whole jug of coffee, and watch series upon series of cartoons, just so I could keep myself from sleeping. Alas, once it clocked around 3:45am, I fell to slumber....

I felt that same feeling of waking up but this time I found myself in a very dark and silent room. Suddenly, a door started opening right in front of me.


Immediately, I started to panic! I became very scared of who or what may come through. But slowly, i started to make out what looked like a female figure standing by the door.


The figure came closer and closer towards me until I could finally make out who it was. "It's you!..." I said in a low voice. "Are you the one doing all of this?? Please live me alone! What do you want from me?" I said in despair. "So much... she said". "Your dreams seems to have been disrupting our meeting. I believe we haven't properly met. My name is Zi" she said politely as my face turned from a look of despair to disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" I exclaimed. "How do you know this is a dream? You're not real! This is all an illusion! My mind is just making this up!..." I remarked still in disbelief. But the girl just stared at me again as she would often do, although this time she was smiling. "Perhaps... however, I would like you to meet someone".

The next thing that happened not only left me in awe but terrified me a little. Yes... i felt this way when my Late Aunt walked through the open door and approached me.

I was just as shocked as i was perplexed by what just happened. "Aunt Christy? How?... how is this possible? Aren't you?..." I proclaimed. "Dead?" she caught in. "Yes. But I like to think that i have been liberated. Don't worry, you'll find out what I mean soon enough." she said with a calming voice. "Come with me. I want to show you something..." she urged me as she gestured towards the open door.


Thanks for reading!

Incase you haven’t been following the entire experience from ACT I, feel free to visit the link to the previous lucid dream experiences:

The Girl from my lucid dreams - Act I
The Girl from my lucid dreams - Act II

I really hope you enjoyed this lucid dream experience. There is now only 1 more dream left to cover and I’ll do that on my next post.

But until then keep exploring!