Relaxing in the Guild's Gardens; 5 Minute Freewrite

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Today's Prompt: Bird Nest

Sitting amongst the trees of the guild’s gardens, Hephestis took in the sights and mused at his life’s accomplishments. Ten long years of work had led to this: his own building in the Crown District of Trefynnon, and a loyal, dutiful workforce.

Watching as birds bathed in the fountain in the centre of the garden, Hephestis exhaled deeply and placed his note pad at his side. Following the birds’ movements, he watched as another small starling flew down from one of the large oak trees to join his family, washing together in the Spring warmth.

Hephestis glanced upwards, spotting the small bird nest made of scraps of paper and twigs amongst the tree’s winding branches. Pulling his cap over his eyes, Hephestis sunk down against the cool bark and nestled further into the gnarled roots of the tree he was sat under. He closed his eyes and drifted off into a light sleep, the dappled shade shielding him from the warm midday sun.

If you'd like to participate too, the contest can be found here: @mariannewest/day-1303-5-minute-freewrite-sunday-prompt-bird-nest

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