One Of A Kind - Dusty


"I want a dog just like that one!" exclaimed Larry.

"You're too young for a dog." replied Frank, his older brother, with a smirk.

Danny just turned away and smiled to himself. He knew that there would never be another dog such as Dusty.

The adults in the little town of Caddersville liked to speculate on the dog's family tree. He had the coat of a golden retriever. But he also had the ears and head shape of a German Shepherd. And yet he had just a hint of a mask, usually found on the sled dogs which mostly inhabited the far north. With a lean, powerful body, there was no doubt that his ancestors didn't lie in front of a fireplace all day.

But Danny didn't care about any of that. He knew Dusty was much more than an ordinary dog. And he knew that together, they could do anything. As he walked down the dirt road towards home, his mind wandered to far off places.

"One day soon, we will see the world, Dusty! I only have three months before I graduate. Where would you like to go first?"

"Woof?" replied the intelligent dog, examining the fur on his side.

"Oh, you want to see those places that everyone says you're from? Like England, Germany, and the Far North? We can do that!" he exclaimed happily.

"Arf arf arf!" Dusty replied, racing around in circles.

"I can't wait either!" said Danny, even more joyful about the future because of his friend's enthusiasm. Soon they reached the small farm which he shared with his parents, and two little brothers. They weren't rich, but nobody had ever gone to bed hungry under that roof.

At supper, Danny's father was particularly quiet. He was obviously thinking about something important.

"Is something wrong, Pa?" he asked, concerned.

"Danny, I heard Mr. Carms at General Trading is looking for competent help. And you are the best of your class with letters and numbers. One day you might become a partner, even inherit the store. Old Mr. Carms doesn't have any family left, you know."

"That would be a good opportunity." the youth admitted reluctantly.

"Then you'll apply?" Pa asked hopefully.

"I don't know... I really wanted to travel some before I got tied down like that. There's so many places that I want to see, but I will think about it, Pa." he promised.

"That's all I'm asking. It's your life, I just want the best for you."

Danny knew that if he applied, the job would be his. His high scores, integrity, and skill in dealing with the public all but guaranteed it.

"Dusty, I don't know what to do. Staying would be boring. I'd be stuck in that store every day until I'm as old as Mr. Carms. But Pa would be happy. Ma too. They would know that my future is assured." said Danny, as he and Dusty laid on the soft chicken feather mattress.

Dusty yawned, and gently thumped his tail.

"You're no help." said Danny, laughing. Somehow the dog was always able to make him feel better.

"I guess I could go talk to him tomorrow... That wouldn't mean I'm going to apply. I'll just find out more about it. Then I'll be able to tell Pa that I seriously thought about it. But don't worry, I'm still going to take you to see where you came from!"


"Hello, Mr. Carms. Pa told me that you were looking for someone to help out."

"Yes! Are you interested in the position?" the gray haired man asked, perhaps a little too eagerly.

"Uh, I don't know yet. When would I have to start?" asked Danny uncertainly.

"You can begin the day after school ends, if you want." Mr. Carms replied enthusiastically.

"Would it really have to be so soon?" asked Danny. He had been hoping that he could accept, but wait a while. If he could even have a few months, it would be better than nothing.

"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to wait a few days, would it? You probably want to have a little fun after all that schooling."

Danny began pacing like the caged lions and tigers he had seen when the circus came through. He took a deep breath, and looked out the window. Dusty was sleeping on the roughly paved sidewalk, obviously bored. Is this what their lives would be like, instead of grand adventures and exotic lands?

"I was actually thinking about more than a few days, Mr. Carms. I want to see the Far North. That will take at least a few months. If the position is still available after that, I would be really grateful." he told the now unhappy storekeeper.

"I understand. Honestly, that's why I wanted to hire someone reliable. I've been in here since I was your age. I want to do some traveling while I still can... I don't know if I will find anyone sooner, but when you are finished with your adventure, let me know. If I've not found the right person yet, the job will be waiting." replied Mr. Carms, smiling sadly.

"Thank you, Mr. Carms. I do hope that I will have the honor of working with you!" he said, and meant every word.

Ten Months Later

"Dusty! I'm safe now, you can get away from that bear! Dusty! Come here now." ordered Danny. A few seconds later, the faithful dog was trotting back, while a very aggravated bear was leaving the area, followed by two tiny cubs.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would have done without you!" he said, as he threw his arms around the dog's neck.


"Well, we've had an adventure, and you got to see your husky cousins. And I found a little souvenir... What do you think, is it time to go home?"

"Arf arf arf!" Dusty agreed, racing around in circles.

"Then let's get moving, the next steamer should be along sometime this week. Ma and Pa will sure be surprised!" he said happily.

One Month Later

"I sure am glad you didn't hire anyone else, Mr. Carms! I was worried that you would, it's been so long." said Danny, as he looked around the empty store.

"Well... I actually did." he admitted.

Danny's face fell. "Oh, I understand. I didn't see anyone else here, so I assumed that you hadn't found anyone."

"Oh I found someone. Frank Gamam. But then I made sure I lost him pretty fast. On his third day, he stole a pair of socks. I can't tolerate a thief. That's when I decided to wait until you were ready to come home. I still remember when you were ten, and you turned in that fifty dollars you found by the door." he said, beaming.

"Thank you, Sir. I won't let you down. I do have one request though." he said, somewhat uncertain.

"What would you like?" asked the old man.

"Once you have had your fill of travel, may I please have six months off?" asked Danny, then held his breath.

"That sounds like a fair request. Where are you off to this time?" he asked curiously.

"Europe, Sir. I plan to tour the continent with Dusty."

"That's mighty ambitious! How are you planning to fund it?"

"With some of what Dusty and I found while in the Far North." he replied proudly, as he pulled out a large glass jar of gold dust.

Describe what you see:

I see a dog sleeping in an uncomfortable place. This probably means he or she is waiting for someone.

Describe what you feel:

I feel like this is a very loyal dog, thoroughly devoted to someone.


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