Cool Beans Finds A New Home - Weekend Freewrite Prompt Continuation - Prompt: Empty Pail


"A mule that lets a strange dog lead him! I've never seen anything like it!" exclaimed old Jim to his friend Bobby. He had to admit that the horseman in him was excited to learn more about Cool Beans.

Jim had vowed never to have another after Brownie, the wonderful Morgan he had raised from a colt died of old age. They had been together for almost fifty years. "But this young fellow isn't a horse, now is he, Bobby? And he will outlive both of us!"

Smiling at the prospect, he readied the old but well maintained barn for Cool Beans. Fresh straw, a trough of oats, and an empty pail for fresh water awaited the young mule.

"Let's go, Bobby! This is the last time we will have to pull this old cart ourselves!"

"WOOF! WOOF!" exclaimed Bobby as Jim helped him into his harness.

They arrived first at the farmer's market for once, mostly because Jim had been restless that morning. The sky was barely grey when they left the farm.

"Yes Sir, I will have more carrots tomorrow. I only bring what I know I can sell in a day. Saves hauling the leftovers home."

"Alright, I will take what you have now, and come back tomorrow if I don't find what I need elsewhere first."

"Now you will be able to bring in more of your crop." the young man who had been waiting said quietly. He was leading a large and obviously strong mule.

"Thank you for bringing him! At my age I need all the help I can get!" said Jim happily.

"Beans here loves to help. He's old enough to learn to carry a rider, but I haven't put anything but a pack on him. He's never pulled a cart either."

"We will get along just fine. And how about yourself, do you like to work?"

"Oh yes! I come to town every day to see if anyone is interested in hiring me."

"Good, I'll see you after the market closes! You can help by leading Beans and follow me home so you will know how to get there. I need someone to fix a leaky roof in the kitchen, for one thing. At my age I don't like climbing all that much."

This is a 100% power up post

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