A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Take 10


Source picture for the A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words contest

What I see

A man at dusk with some ignited fire torches, performing fire breathing.

What I feel

I do not see any colorful setup. There is no crowd seen either. It is not dark also. As the fire breathers like to perform when it is dark and when there is remarkable crowd. During practise session they tend to use safe materials like water, except when they are to appear for the first time. Taking everything into account, I feel that he must be an ameture who just began to perform so he needs real training to analyze the situation better or may be it is before his first show, so he is for the final time practising the art of fire breathing.


The story might not be suitable for everyone so if you are one who is unable to process gruesome things like self harm, please do not expand it.

! [Trigger Warning!] 'According to J.K. Rowling, who has lost everything and there is nothing to be lost from him is the only person who can drink the blood of Unicorn.'
What do you mean by it?
'Nothing, except the fact I have lost everything in the life one can achieve.'
So you want to drink the blood of the Unicorn? Unfortunately for you, Amazon will not be able to parcel you that.
'I have collected it already. I will drink it tonight.'
You have gone insane! You need to go to your psychiatrist.
'Okay, I will bye now.'
Do not do anything stupid, keep me posted in the messenger.
Lucas putting down the phone went to the shower to take a special bath. Finishing the bath he went to the roof fully wet. His house is far from the meddling crowd. He took the pills which he made with all his expertise of Chemistry. 'It is time,' he thought.
He ignited the fire torches he bought from a fire breather at the street several night earlier. With extra caution he juggled them then all of a sudden he put the fire on him and in him. Within a moment fire spread all over his body not only outside was burning but also his inside was burning too. If anyone had seen him then, would saw a fire dancing upon further close inspection, you can see him laughing maniacally!
Human body is so wonderfully crafted, due to the lack of Oxygen and huge water portion, it is hard for fire to burn inside. That is the reason Lucas invented the 'Blood of Unicorn' whic creates such an environment, it is not tough for fire to burn inside.
When his friend arrived, he only found a lump of burnt flesh and bones!
No one knew why a renowned scientist who everyone thoght of to be eligible to bag the noble prize in Chemistry died a horrible death!

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