Get dressed

It's great I can sleep longer now.

It surprises me how long it takes to get used to the no need to get out of bed at 4 am ritual. Daily I am so grateful I no longer need to drive up and down to schools and bus stops. All the waiting and waste of gasoline. No stress as long as I stay at home. I haven't seen a gas station in the past two months and I do not need to visit one this month either.

It is easier to do nothing these days.
I hear how people already in the second week of the lockdown stopped getting dressed, get lazy and bored, and stuff themselves daily with all kinds of food which do not improve the health at all. I am not saying we all need to eat high amounts of lemon daily like some stated at the start of the lockdown but a normal healthy diet is a key to a good immune system. This is the moment and you have all time to keep a close look at your diet.
Being overweight brings all kinds of risks and the coronavirus is only one of them. If you like it or not overweight means more risks of getting sick.

It's true we know hardly anything about this virus.
It is true this virus will disappear one day. More viruses did and not because a vaccine was found but simply because there was a group immunity. Those who are immune will survive (let's say 10%), those who became ill and didn't notice will survive (30%), those who became (seriously) ill and got better will survive (about 35%) and the rest will die. The weakest links will be removed from society. This is what survival of the fittest means.

How come people are weak?

  • They have a huge lack of vitamins and minerals for years (starting eating lemon and garlic won't help you). Unfortunately, this is not common in elderly people only. Poverty, low education, and certain lifestyles are good for building up a lack too.
  • A lack of sleep
  • A stressful/busy life
  • Health issues

How to keep yourself fit.

  • No matter what try to eat healthily.
    Carbohydrates (pasta, pizza, bread, cookies, etc is not healthy. It's mainly junk food.)
  • Eat meat, fish
    You need zinc and proteins
  • Eat eggs
    The most complete food there is.
  • Eat fruit/vegetables
    You need vitamins C, B, and iron
  • Take vitamins D3
    Unless you can spend time outside in the sun. If you go outside your skin should be uncovered and you should not use sunscreen! People with a colored, dark skin need at least four times the dose of Vitamine D3 as white people.
  • See you get iodine!
    Most people have a lack of it.

These days it isn't so easy to stay healthy with all the chemicals in our food.
A lack of vitamins/minerals is rarely recognized and if it is already too late.
You can not easily wipe out what your body and mind miss. It might take months to do so.

Due to lockdowns, many people are in mental need.
By now it is a serious problem governments, whole nations, have to deal with too. The exit out of the lockdown is necessary because there are more health issues to deal with as the coronavirus only.

Let's be wise and pick up life again with common sense.
This virus will mutate before it's gone. We hardly know anything about it so take your prevention. Stay home, get dressed, schedule your day, and embrace the freedom you have.
If you go out you can wear a face mask, gloves, and once back disinfect everything, wash your hands a hundred times (do not forget to protect them with a hand cream or try gloves if you are allergic to water and soap) or let it be. Just do not blame others for your behavior or expect them to safe you if you are too lazy to invest in yourself. If you never cared about you why should anyone else?

If you like to join the freewriters see @mariannewest for the daily prompt.


Some other freewrites

  1. Twenty years
  2. Shit therapy
  3. Salsbury
  4. Scary
  5. A Christmas Carol
  6. Morgen (D) / Morning (En)
  7. Faking happiness
  8. Feiglinge (D) / Cowards (En)
  9. Digging around
  10. A matter of justice.
  11. Kartoffeln (D) / Potatoes (En)
  12. Dancing
  13. Sesame
  14. Breathtaking
  15. Air (En) / Luft (D)
  16. Bloodsuckers
  17. Wrinkled
  18. Little sprouts.
  19. A tiny help
  20. Life
  21. You are warned Winter is back
  22. Fear of water.
  23. What am I?
  24. Der Betrüger betrogen
  25. Kurt lost his space
  26. It's real
  27. No bitter remedy
  28. Imagine...
  29. Change of habits
  30. Bittersweet

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