The purpose of our life is to be happy


The term happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states, including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
Lack of money is not the main problem in life. There are other problems such as lack of comfort and care, lack of peace, and other relating social problems. They all made us Unhappy. First of all lets look at facts and what can give us Happiness.


• People who spend a portion of
their income towards charities
and buying gifts for loved ones
have a happier disposition than
those who don’t.

• Money can buy happiness, but only
if you spend it on other people.

• Happiness Is Contagious.

•Pets can Make one Happy.

• Freedom can Boosts Happiness

• The five component of happiness
which are : P is Positive Emotions.
: E is Engagement.
: R is Relationships.
: M is Meaning.
: A is Achievement

And many more factors!

Let also talked about what cause or roots of Unhappiness


• You don't do more of the things
you love

• You are competing with others.

• You don't love yourself.

• You don't spend time with happy

• You don't express gratitude.

• You hold onto the past.

• You don't want to get help.

I hope we learn a something , so let us always be happy cause the purpose of living is to be Happy


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