a giant spider’s lunch - fiction story

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In the not-too-distant future, the apocalypse has arrived.

In each city, dimensional gates opened and giant insects emerged in swarms.

Giant spiders came out and attacked people.

The giant insects could not be defeated by ordinary guns, cannons, or missiles.

Many people died, and many more went into caves and underground to escape the giant insects.

The survivors built high defenses and began to plan their defense.

At this time, awakened superhumans began to appear among the people.

They possessed great power and manipulated mana.

Attacking with this mana on the sword killed the giant insects with significant damage.

James, an ordinary man, hid in his apartment.

He listened to radio broadcasts to find out what was happening outside.

James turned on the radio.

“Chirp....chirp” He can hear the noise of the radio. James tuned the frequency of the radio.

He hears a broadcast on the radio.

“People, if you are listening to this broadcast, please go to the barricaded areas in your neighborhoods.”
“Food will be provided there, and we will all be armed to defeat the giant insects.”

James decided to go to the barrier.
He decided to move at dawn and waited.

At dawn, he carefully left his apartment with his sleeping bag.

He climbed up the mountain and traveled along the trail.

In the morning. The giant insects began to move.

Hungry, they smelled the human scent and came to where James was.

'We'll be there in a little while.' James thought as he hid.

Somehow their good sense of smell led them to him, and he was captured.

James was about to become the giant spider's lunch.

In a moment of crisis, James, an ordinary man, awakens.

Feeling the power welling up within him, he used his strength to free himself from the giant spider.

'I think I've awakened,' he thought.

He picked up a brick next to him and punched it. The brick shattered lightly.

The giant spider attacked James, but to his eyes, it seemed to move slower.

James quickly dodged and attacked the spider with his powerful fist.

Because of his superhuman strength, the giant spider suffered considerable damage.

James gained confidence and was able to defeat the giant spider with his agile dodging and powerful punch.

Arriving at a defended area, James joined the other superhumans to defeat the giant insects.

As a result, people who had been hiding in caves and underground came out and led normal lives.

Thank you for reading my post. 😀

1 September 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2482: a giant spider’s lunch

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