The Man with No Feelings: A 5-Minute Freewrite


Ricardo is someone who doesn't display his emotions no matter what, to the point that some would say he has no feelings. For example, he once broke up with his long-term partner without expressing remorse or regret. His delivery of his breakup speech was so emotionless that one could almost label him inhuman.

But the truth was that his girlfriend had cheated on him with another man, and in order to save face for both himself and his girlfriend, he opted to remain stoic and not reveal his anguish. Ricardo is aware that others would gossip about him, but he refuses to share the truth.

There have also been other instances where something happened but Ricardo remained emotionless. For example, he may not show much emotion when a relative dies or when the stocks he trades cause him to lose money.

People would gossip behind his back and refer to him as "the man with no feelings," but Ricardo was simply someone who was so deeply damaged that the only way he could manage was to ignore the agony and behave as if nothing had occurred. In short, he's just putting on a mask every time something painful happened to him.

Using silence and not exhibiting emotions may not be the ideal approach to cope with pain, but it was the only thing Ricardo could do.


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