We-Write Reboot Round 3 - My Black Dragon


By @vaneaventuras

In my head, I repeated several times: “This can't be happening to me. Why me?” I looked out of the iron window of that tower to verify that it was indeed many meters high and that it would not be easy to escape from there. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was walking down that cobblestone street singing my favorite song with my headphones on. I don't remember anyone following me. I was trying to figure out for a moment if there was something suspicious about that. I couldn't believe someone had intentions to lock me in a tower. What for? Who? After a lot of silence, it appeared. Every tower has a black dragon that watches over it. I could see it from the distance. It was really scary. It was huge, black, imposing. Its large snout spits fire if necessary. How could I beat a black dragon? Why was it so big? In my mental monologue, I tried to find the answers to these questions, however I did not have them. I hadn't thought about what to eat, since my mind was busy looking for a reason, but my stomach was already warning that I was hungry. I have been locked up in the tower for a day! I addressed the black dragon with very yellow and penetrating eyes and dared to look him in the face and yell at him: “Why do you have me here?” At that moment, I noticed that the dragon got a bit smaller. What? How did that happen? After much thought, I understood that this dragon represented my fears.

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By @jossduarte

After a few seconds without an answer, and after understanding this; that courage explosion became an adrenaline injection derived from a great annoyance. Just a few things bother me such as the doubt, and doubt was the most I had at that time. I insisted with my question “Why do you have me here?”, And stared into those yellow reptilian eyes, it was a fight of gazes, trying to get an answer through intimidation. The dim light in the room announced the sunset of another day and along with my hunger for not eating a bite, my indignation also grew larger, for not receiving an answer to my legitimate doubts: “Why do you have me here?” “How can I get out of here?” “Why do you keep me here?” “Can you give me something to eat?” Then I got up, and raised my fist to directly confront my captor, immediately after, a roar of that imposing dragon stopped me in the act, and after a few seconds of hearing that noise, my stomach roared with intensity too, making me release a laugh, just before looking again into the eyes of that dragon and hitting my fist with force; The sound of a glass breaking was the next thing I remember, and before me a red mirror, and through those broken fragments, I could see my body, wearing black clothes and with those intense yellow eyes; It was then that I understood that my fears will always be the cruelest of captors, and with the right encouragement, I can face any adversity.

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