Forbidden love



We met in secret, risking everything for our forbidden love.

Unbridled passion consumed us, an unquenchable thirst for carnal desire that no risk could quench.

In the gloom of the bedroom, our bodies merged in a frenzy of wild movements.

My veins burned within her flesh, as she writhed in pleasure under my onslaught.

Moans and cries of ecstasy filled the room, delirious tremors synchronised with the wild beating of our hearts.

It was madness, a complete surrender to the wildness of lust. No moral judgement could stop us.

There was only her and me, caught in this whirlwind of unleashed passion.

Our gasps became one, her agitated breathing set the frantic rhythm of my pulse.

Together we reached the peak of delirium amidst spasms of ecstasy, only to collapse, momentarily satiated by such a fiery prohibition.

We knew it could not last, that our paths would eventually have to part. But those fleeting moments of surrender were our only truth, as the world continued to spin oblivious to our overflowing passion.

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