
What is success?

SUCCESS to me is daily progress towards your goals!!

I know i am being successful in my life when i can go into my journal and i can visibly see the goals i have written down and i can check them off!! Then i set new goals and i repeat!! The secret i found is to find ways to set goals you like to do!! Life is about doing what you want to do i dont care what anyone says!! this is your life you need to enjoy it to the maximum!!! BACK to the subject tho of setting GOALS!!!! Setting goals can be likened to going on a road-trip without a gps!!! You have all of these resources and this energy but you have absolutely no idea where you are going!! THIS is why you need to set GOALS so you know where you have BEEN where you are AT and where you want to GO!!!!!! It sounds simple and that's because it really is!! Write down something you want to happen and then watch them hapen!!! Remember that you need to believe that you can do it!! BE SMART ahave an OPEN MIND!!! If you think you can then you can if you think you cant then you cant either way you are right!!- i forget who this qoute is and i dont have time within my 5 minutes to find out but much love to everyone reading this my time is up god bless :)

This was a challenge to free-write for 5 minutes straight without stopping i really loved this challenge i actually had a huge story written up before this one but it got deleted LMAOOO im sure some of you reading this can relate!!!!


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