If Something Does Matter To Me That Is Freedom

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Who doesn’t love freedom? Most of the people love having freedom, their own space, their own chosen lifestyle. I'm not alter to it. People says if you did that, you could be successful, I don't know what does they mean when talk about success, but I mean success is that gives me freedom to do anything I want to do. And I know whatever I will do will never can harm others so I'm free to do that.

For me success is not having decent amount of money, running business, job, conjugal life, having children, having wealth and something precious. For me success is freedom that many can't afford or unluckily lost. Today I've freedom but I'm not sure about tomorrow so let me enjoy the freedom as long I can afford to have.

Freedom can be consider as blessing too beside success. People who lost freedom knows well the value of it. There were many offer open to end my freedom but I chose to be free and happy. Even there are many offer available to end my freedom but I'm not interested to stress myself by compromising freedom. Once I did it but it was not something I want in my life. When I want to work, I chose to do work for myself. No deadline, no stress and that is Me.

A life with freedom is better than everything else in life. Having decent amount of money help us affording more freedom. If today I've freedom, I'm the luckiest. Many women can't afford to be free for family restrictions, relationship restrictions and social restrictions. Freedom is not something anti social or anti values activity, its a kind of right that all human should have. If we don't misuse freedom then nothing wrong to have it.

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