The Rise of a King 👑

It wasn't a match. It was a full blown massacre.
King George had always been known for picking his battles well, but it seems this time lady luck had bowed out of his life.
His pawns laid scattered over the boards, vanquished.
Enemy knights approaching in a pincer move.
He had managed to kill off their Bishop's but that made him sacrifice one knight and Bishop each.
His enemy still had his rooks, Queen, and two knights, not to mention numerous pawns at their disposal. In conclusion the situation was dire.

"Seems we won't be able to make it out of this one." His Bishop whispered to him.
"We would. Don't be pessimistic over some fallen soldiers." Rock, the left rook who overheard, scolded the cowardly Bishop.
"Some fallen soldiers? We've lost more than half our fleet!"
"They were weak!"
"They weren't weak, King George is just stupid!!"
The whole board was silent at the bishops words.
I stayed silent, accepting his words. He wasn't wrong, in fact he was exceptionally right.
They were my men, my people, their lives were on my hands.
There's a difference between necessary sacrifices and pointlessly killed.
I realized just how flawed of a leader I was. I couldn't outdo him in strategy. I looked at the king in white, looking on, silently bored and waiting for me to make my next blunder so he could claim another soldier's soul.
I looked at the treasonous Bishop, he looked on at me. Eyes flashed with anger but still lined with regret at what he had said.
His words hung in the air between us, couldn't be received or taken back.
I began to speak but in a speck of an eye he was struck down.
My Queen stood with her sword out drawn, face blank but eyes filled with silent fury.
She knelt to me, proving her fealty.
"Naive or not, inexperienced or stupid, you are my king and I am yours. I won't allow my king to be insulted, more so to his face."

I had made up my mind.
I turned to my opponent who has watched the whole incident happen with the least of concern.
I understood what had to be done. This was war, no need to be bound by rules.
I may be stupid, naive and inexperienced, but I am also stubborn. Crazily so.
"Queen" I called.
"Yes Sire."
"I'm about to do something unbecoming of a king. Something unnecessary, something no one would expect."
"Is it necessary?" She asked worriedly.
"Probably not."
"Would you get hurt?"
"Likely so."
"Can I stop you from doing it?"
"No you cannot."
She breathed in, accepting the fate I have laid for myself.
With a nod of her support, I made my move.

It was unheard of, reckless, stupid and strange, but as it was strange, it was clear that my enemy didn't know how to react to it.
I saw it when I struck down his Queen, the fear in his eyes as I stood face to face with him. King to King.
"What are you doing? No king should be at the front lines." He said shocked.
I looked down at my robes, what was once white was now stained red and black with the blood of my enemies and the dirt of the battle.
I looked behind me, my queen critically wounded, lying near my rook at the far corner.
I was in front of the King, we were surrounded by his troops; his Bishop and pawn ready to strike me.
The initial fear, now transformed to cautious rage and respect.
The King was on check already from my rook. It was my move, the game had been decided.
With a swift swing from my sword, I brought down his head, ended the game, ended the war, ended his life.

Image made using Meta AI

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