Hand Cream

This post is my first in the #freewriters community. I have been procastinating about my writing for quite a while now, and so rather than keep up the many 'tomorrows' I always tell myself, I decided to just write freely. I guess that's what it is all about.


Growing up my Nana always repeated one thing. We'd be eating, or playing, or doing a chore, and she'd just drop the same statement. Over and over and over, until it became ingrained in our heads.

At a time it was almost possible to predict when she'd say it. Sometimes we'd make a joke and whispers the words just when we think she's about to say it. And once she does, we'd am burst out in laughter thereafter. At the time we knew so little, and life was all fun and games.

After last week's events though, I have been unable to take my mind off those words that Nana constantly said. I have tried, believe me. But the more i try, the more those words come back to haunt me. Nana probably saw the future, or maybe she was plain paranoid. But her words did come true eventually, and almost to a tee.

Last night when she eventually died, nothing would have been able to increase the volume of her voice in my head. Her words keep coming back now, louder than ever before. It is almost as if she never really left. Almost as if she's still next to us, handing us her usual hand cream, AMD saying...




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