My dirty face.

"Just take a look at yourself!" She thundered at me while I stood at the window, looking at the birds in the air through the window.


I was enjoying the cool breeze that flowed into my room through the window while I listened to the beautiful songs the birds made with their sweet voices.


For once, I imagined my life as a bird. Having to wake up every morning to no problems would be nothing but what I'll call a miracle. Flying in the air freely and not being compared to other birds would have been an amazing feeling.

Waking up and realizing freedom from all walks of life is something I had longed for. I wished I was like the birds who would wake up, sing melodious songs, then fly around the sky not bothered about what they'd eat because, there would always be a supply of food to them.

I was still lost in my beautiful imagination when that thunderous voice jerked me back to life.

"Mama, you are back." I said, almost stuttering and whispering.

I was able to escape the early morning nags from Mama as I pretended to still be asleep before she left for the market.

"No, I am front." She replied, angrily.

A typical Nigerian mother would never answer you in a positive way especially when she was angry.

But, I had tried all my best to assure Mama that I would surely grow to the level I had always longed for. The more I tried, the more I faced rejections from people. I even tried explaining my predicaments to my friends and the only thing they told me was: "don't worry, Licia. Everything would be okay in the end.


I looked at Mama again but this time, with tears in my eyes.

Mama had always compared me to my friends and agemates. When I tried to seek her advice on how I can make it just like my friends, she shouted at me and chased me out of the room.

Mama only compares me to every well-to-do adult she came around but she has never given me the solution to my predicament. Mama has only told me of my misfortunes but she has never told me how I was going to walk out of such misfortune.

Tell me, how do I tell Mama.. How do I tell her that comparison does nothing but paints the face black and does not bring soap to wash it?


It's my first time posting here. I hope you enjoy it.

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