Sunday Sea Shanty : Sailor's Dream

Sunday Sea Shanty July 9th, 2023

Sailor's Dream

In a sailor's dream, where the oceans meet,
A tale unfolds, of a daring feat.
With wind in his sails and stars as his guide,
The sailor embarks on a wild, thrilling ride.

He sails through storms, with waves crashing high,
A fearless spirit, under the vast open sky.
His ship dances on the crests of the sea,
As he braves the elements, wild and free.

Through treacherous waters, he charts his way,
His compass leading, day after day.
With a heart full of courage, he sails afar,
Chasing dreams, guided by a distant star.

But deep within his soul, a longing resides,
For a love left behind, like the ebbing tides.
In his dreams, he sees her face so clear,
The one he left, the one he holds dear.

Though his heart is torn between love and the sea,
He yearns for a life where they both can be.
A sailor's dream, a love's distant call,
He sails on, for the love that enthralls.

Goals of Port Sundries

  • Educate the public about marine conservation and how marine conservation is important to all other ecosystems on Earth and all of humanity.
  • Provide basic sailing resources and teach how the hobby and lifestyle can adapt to assist marine conservation.
  • Share ecofriendly and sustainable methods of coastal and island travel and tourism.
  • Share the joy of life at sea, love of ocean adventure, a fondness for culture, and the enjoyment of nautical history.

If you would like to help us with these goals, please follow. We are always thankful for those you upvote, follow, or repost.

Help defend the oceans. Support sustainable fishing and aquaculture/agriculture practices. Don't pollute your local waterways. Donate to your local marine conservation charity.

🐬🐬🐬Donate to the Dolphin Project 🐬🐬🐬
Dolphin Project is a non-profit charitable organization, dedicated to the welfare and protection of dolphins worldwide. Founded by Richard (Ric) O’Barry on Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the organization aims to educate the public about captivity and, where feasible, retire and/or release captive dolphins.
The mission of Dolphin Project is to end dolphin exploitation and slaughter, as dolphins are routinely captured, harassed, slaughtered and sold into captivity around the world – all in the name of profit. Dolphin Project works not only to halt these slaughters, but also to rehabilitate captive dolphins for retirement and/or release, investigate and advocate for economic alternatives to dolphin slaughter, and to put a permanent end to dolphin captivity.

Port Sundries is not affiliated with Dolphin Project but supports their goal 100%.

Follow us @portsundries for more Marine Conservation, Sea Life, and Sailing News.

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