The Terrible Turn, a freewrite



“Amputate it!”

That she said this all those years ago haunts her even still.

The room was flooded with fluorescent light. All humans present, except for herself and Edgar, were wearing gowns and masks, their gloved hands held aloft, arms bent at the elbows.

“Good decision Mrs Viscardo. Thank you. Otherwise, we might have lost all of him” the doctor said solemnly. The surgeon was a devotee of Edgar’s, having learned much about her chosen vocation directly from him.

Edgar, Elsie knew, would have chosen differently. The loss of his legs? No, he would have chosen to try to find a way to live with his legs. He would not have chosen the certainty of living without his legs.

Could one half-remembered dream bring down a marriage?

Ever since the dream, she’d found him disgusting. What better way to make him disgusting - to make her disgust his fault - than to allow the doctors to chop off his legs?


This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is amputate it!.

I've been aching to write another episode in the lives of Edgar and Elsie. This freewrite is a springboard - an outline really - of that fifth episode. And boy is it a downer! That surprises me. The previous four are love stories.

Below, find the first four episodes. The first two of these were not freewrites, but we-writes, which always take me a good week to write. Three and four were, like this one, five minute freewrites, and are really good if I do say so myself! They are all very short, and well worth reading.

I've listed them in narrative chronological order, not the order I wrote them.

This collective story has promise. Finishing it is on my bucket list.

The Easiest Thing In The World To Do

Sunflowers are for Sissies

Two Steadfast Hearts

A Little Old Lady and her Morning Constitutional


Poster image: Roseland Ballroom - eBaycard, Public Domain,

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