Thought is what really makes people poor.

Source: pixabay

I am characterized by belonging to the guild of people who think that the material good that we can possess does not lead us to be owners of great wealth. I have learned that, when we invest in respect or failing it, we put kindness into practice without having to look at who we will help, we become creditors of an incalculable fortune because, wealth is to have the affection of our family and friends since, true abundance does not give us money, but happiness.

We live in a world of plural thought

Source: pixabay

Because of this, I firmly maintain that there are people who are not poor because they have little money, but because of what is in their thinking. At some point in our lives, we have all had the opportunity to meet someone who goes through their lives with their heads held high while holding the good economic position they have and, arrogance characterizes them when they address other people. These characters in his heart have no empathy, simplicity, and they also don't know what it's really like to enjoy happiness.

At this point it is essential to keep in mind that, attitudes, values and thoughts, are particularities that are responsible for designing our skin as well as, they give it the touch of authenticity that makes it shine and best of all, this skin is not the one we can usually see or feel easily because, It is what identifies us as noble people with a heart full of love and all this is only found inside us which, it is difficult to touch however, the only way to allow other people to know that empathic side we have, is to be affectionate with other people.

Now, when a person understands what respect is, he immediately stands out and manages to consolidate great bonds, however, who is dedicated to cultivating a mind that is characterized by being inflexible and spiteful, will automatically reap distrust in himself and everyone around him. In the same way, there are people of few economic resources but, millionaires of heart and at the same time, there are those who have economic wealth, however, they have poverty of affections.

Let's put empathy into practice

Source: pixabay

Undoubtedly, human beings tend to be very complex and this complexity is transferred to the planet earth where we inhabit because, we take care of creating the different cultures, therefore, we repeatedly experience chaotic scenarios in which we are forced to cohabit. From this situation is where my reflection arises that, it is worthwhile that we strive more to invest to improve our inner world because it lacks a good dose of nutrients and, with this investment we can generate the development of a more loving, respectful and harmonious society.

When I see that there are people who are not able to empathize with someone who is going through an uncomfortable situation, I am filled with sadness because, I find it hard to believe that in humanity there are people with dark feelings. This type of situation has taught me that the magic that we can find when being empathetic with someone is not an abstract value since, it is a gesture that makes us millionaire people of feelings and that is the important thing.

In conclusion, empathy and solidarity is an act that is executed instinctively therefore, this gift lives comfortably in our brain with the intention of ensuring that the entire living species on planet earth remains in force and thus guarantee that every living being can exist for many centuries. I am sure that if we all do our part, we can ensure that empathy is never in danger of extinction.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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