A Picture is worth a Thousand Words


• What I see : a woman rinsing a white cloth.
• What I feel : no particular feeling but a certain word "Whitewash" comes to mind.

Title: Whitewash

One, two, three, four...
I cannot count,
The number of times,
I've kept the truth,
Behind a mask,
Kept the truth,
Locked up behind my mind.

More than friends,
but only I know,
For my love,
Is in a disguise,
My words say a lot,
But you can't decipher.

The looks in my eyes,
Says a lot,
But how could you tell,
For I've got veils,
Over my eyes,
And scales weighing them down.

Whitewash, Whitewash, Whitewash!
Even now,
It's all Whitewash,
I try,
but I've become a concealer,
a masquerader of my intentions,
a blank script.


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