The little orphan mouse



Once upon a time, a little mouse was orphaned as a baby when a huge cat devoured its mother. Alone and helpless, the little rodent wandered the streets in search of shelter and food.

One day, huddled in a corner, the little mouse watched as a group of pigeons pecked at the breadcrumbs thrown to them by a kindly old woman. Although trembling with fear, he approached them in the hope of getting something to eat.

The pigeons, far from being frightened, received the little visitor with kindness. One of them said to him gently:

-Don't be afraid, little one. There is plenty of food here for everyone. Come and feed with us.

From that day on, the orphan mouse lived in harmony with his new feathered friends. He learned that there is room for all creatures in this world and that compassion always wins over fear and prejudice.


Moral: Kindness and generosity open all doors. There will always be room for those who are willing to offer sincere friendship, regardless of differences.

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