The lazy ant



In a bustling and industrious anthill, there lived a very peculiar ant, while her companions worked tirelessly, hauling grain and building galleries, she preferred to laze in the sun, enjoying the summer breeze.

Why are you working so hard? -she would say disdainfully. Life is short, you have to enjoy it.

The ants, scandalised, continued with their work, warning the lazy woman of the dire consequences that her attitude would bring.

Summer gave way to autumn, and then to the harsh winter, when the first flakes covered the earth, the lazy ant found itself without provisions or shelter.

Dying of cold and hunger, she crawled to the anthill of her old companions, imploring asylum, but they, even with regret, refused her entry.

He who scorns honest labour in the days of plenty does not deserve to be helped in the days of want," they said.

And the lazy ant learned the lesson the hard way: true happiness requires effort and foresight.

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