#Freewrite Daily Prompt: Manicure (Or, Honey, where's my man-i-cure?)

Thanks to @mariannewest for her daily 5 minute freewrite prompt. Today, I played with words - was your prompt beauty inspired (manicure) or medicinal (man-i-cure).


Thomas was not a sensible man. He would always leave the toilet seat up, he returned empty milk cartons to the fridge, and he liked to give his wife, Leslie, driving advice from the passenger seat.

How unfortunate then, that Thomas was struck down with a severe case of the flu. For days, boxes and boxes of tissues could barely contain all the drips and fluids coming from his nose. For days, he would walk through the house groaning about his this or his that.

Leslie had become, not so much his lover, but his full time carer. She made him lemon tea, prepared the tinned tomato soup, served with neatly cut strips of toast. She even spoke to Thomas' mother when she called to enquire about that 'sweet boy on Death's doorstep'.

But now, she had met her limit. Thomas had pushed his luck too far by suggesting his 'aching feet needing a relieving massage'. Leslie smiled and said, I'm off to get some man-i-cure, and with a bit of a theatrical huff, she left their apartment.

A couple of hours later she returned with beautiful nails. Thomas, of course, didn't notice them, but he did wonder whether the man-i-cure would lead to healing! The only question remains, would he dare ask for his medicine?


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