I am different



My being tells me that I am different, sometimes so much so, that I ask myself why? and that is not the right questioning, because I am like this, not because of a cause, but for a "why".

I see some things very differently, I'm not attracted to the elementary, my spirit is always looking for something, a little more subliminal.

I love to smell the rain, and the aroma of the seductive coffee, contemplating the blue of the sea, the greenery of the fields, in a melancholic or twilight state.

I have felt the lament of a lake, the sadness of the rain, as it falls, the loneliness of an old man and the joy of a child at birth.

I have perceived the sentence of time, the weeping of a heart, the cry of abandonment and the anguish of unreason.

My verses have accompanied me to sing of love, to denounce injustice , despair and pain, they have made me reach thousands of hearts who have found in my lyrics, comfort, joys and emotional reflections.

Yes, I know I am different, different for my feelings, for perceiving what many fail to discover, like the nostalgia of the seagull that could not fly, until the sea told him that he could.

The compassion of a street before the lethargic steps that walk, without ceasing, looking for an answer from some children, who left, with the promise of returning, the disconsolation of the children of the street, children like yours, children like mine, children of the street, who feel hunger, fear and cold.

Yes, I am different, I cannot hide that and my verses are my accomplices so that I can express all that my spirit feels, and I want to capture, in beautiful poems, that I want to give to this world.

Although I physically leave this earthly life, my verses will continue to live, touching hearts, without time or place and thus, I can, through my poetry, endure.

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